Home Symptoms How to Relieve Back Pain at Work

How to Relieve Back Pain at Work


Stretching exercises to do at work help to relax and decrease muscle tension, fighting back and neck pain and also work-related injuries, such as tendonitis, for example, in addition to improving blood circulation, fighting muscle fatigue and tiredness.

These exercises can be performed at the workplace and must be done for 5 minutes 1 to 2 times a day. Depending on the exercise, it can be performed standing or sitting and in order to have results, it is recommended that each stretch has between 30 seconds to 1 minute.

1. For back and shoulder pain

To stretch your back and shoulders and thus relieve tension and relax your muscles, the following exercise is indicated:

  1. Stretch both arms upward, interlacing your fingers, to stretch your back, keeping still in this position while counting slowly to 30. From that position, tilt your torso to the right side and stand in that position for 20 seconds and then tilt your torso to the left side and stand still for another 20 seconds. While standing, tilt your body forward without bending your knees and with your legs slightly apart, in the same direction as your shoulders, standing still for 30 seconds.

Having a gel pad that can be heated in the microwave can be a good help for those who suffer from back and shoulder pain because they spend a lot of time sitting working with a computer or standing, standing in the same position for a long time.

Those who prefer can make a homemade compress by putting a little rice in a sock, for example. So, whenever you need it, you can heat it in the microwave for 3 to 5 minutes and place it on the sore area, leaving it to act for 10 minutes. The heat from the compress will increase blood circulation at the site, relieving pain and tension in the contracted muscles, bringing relief from symptoms quickly.

2. To prevent and treat tendonitis in the wrist

Tendonitis in the wrist occurs as a consequence of repetitive movement, which leads to inflammation of the joint. In order for wrist tendonitis to be prevented, there are some exercises, such as:

  1. Standing or sitting, cross one of your arms in front of your body and with the help of the other, apply pressure to your elbow while sitting your arm muscles straight. Stay in this position for 30 seconds and then do the same stretch with the other arm. Stretch one arm forward and with the help of the other hand, raise the palm upwards, stretching the fingers backwards, until you feel the muscles of the forearm stretching. Stand in this position for 30 seconds and then repeat the same stretch with the other arm. In the same position as in the previous exercise, now turn your palm down, push your fingers and hold this position for 30 seconds and then do the same with the other arm.

Those suffering from tendonitis should choose to place cold compresses on the site of the pain, leaving it to act for 5 to 15 minutes, being careful to wrap the compress in a thin tissue or napkins to avoid burning the skin. The cold will decrease inflammation and pain caused by tendonitis within minutes.

But whenever you are going to perform the stretching exercises and use the compress on the same day, you must first do the stretches. Watch the video and find out how food and physical therapy can help treat tendonitis:

3. To improve circulation in the legs

In the case of people who work long hours seated, it is important to get up with a few minutes and do some stretching exercises to promote blood circulation:

  1. Standing with your legs together side by side, pull your ankle towards your buttocks and hold for about 30 seconds to stretch the front of your thigh. Then do the same exercise with the other leg. Squat and stretch just one leg to the side, keeping the big toe facing upwards to feel the back and the middle of the thigh stretching. Stand in that position for 30 seconds and then do the same with the other leg.

These exercises are great to help you relax, relieve muscle pain and improve blood circulation, being suitable for all people who work sitting or standing, always staying in the same position for a long time, as in the case of people who work in offices or store sellers, for example.

But in addition to these stretches, other important tips include avoiding lifting heavy objects inappropriately, forcing your back and sitting properly while keeping your spine upright, especially during working hours to avoid contractures and muscle sprains that can cause discomfort and severe pain. Those who work a lot of time on their feet need to be careful to walk a few minutes every hour to avoid the pain in their feet, back and even the swelling in their ankles that is very common in this situation.

How to Relieve Back Pain at Work