Home Pregnancy Tips to reduce nausea during pregnancy

Tips to reduce nausea during pregnancy


Sickness in pregnancy is a normal and classic symptom, felt by most pregnant women in the first weeks of pregnancy. It happens, most of the time, associated with vomiting and is due to biological, social and psychological factors.

The main causes of nausea in pregnancy are:

  • Hormonal changes that increase the concentration of acid in the stomach and slow digestion; The growth of the uterus that pushes the stomach upwards, causing a burning in the throat; Stress and fear.

The typical nausea of ​​pregnancy can start from 4 weeks of gestation and, in some cases, last the whole pregnancy, being more frequent in the morning. But in some cases, nausea can occur several times a day, due to the increased sensitivity to smells during pregnancy.

To relieve nausea the woman can take some remedies such as Dramin or food supplements with ginger, but it is also important to adopt healthy habits and avoid very strong smells. See what are the remedies indicated for seasickness in pregnancy.

Tips to alleviate nausea in pregnancy

In the case of nausea during pregnancy, what you can do is to avoid fatty foods with strong smells and flavors, and try to relax to avoid stress and fear. Other tips to prevent or lessen nausea in pregnancy are:

  • Eat a small piece of ginger or suck on a ginger ball, as it aids digestion and reduces irritation of the stomach wall; Eat 1 cookie, upon waking up, before getting out of bed; Rest for 20 minutes before getting up; Eat every 3 hours 3 hours, in small amounts - Know how to feed during pregnancy; Drink about 2 liters of water a day; Avoid warm or very spicy foods; Suck on a lemon popsicle; Practice exercises according to the medical advice - See some exercises that can be practiced during pregnancy; Avoid strong smells or that cause nausea.

When seasickness is very persistent and causes constant vomiting, you must inform the obstetrician doctor, so that he can prescribe a sickness medicine because it is important that the pregnant woman is well nourished and well hydrated for her well-being and baby development.

Treatment for motion sickness during pregnancy should be recommended by the obstetrician, especially if it is natural, as incorrect use can lead to complications during pregnancy. Check out some home remedies for seasickness in pregnancy.

Tips to reduce nausea during pregnancy