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What to do to relieve sunburn


Some tips to reduce the pain of sunburn include taking cold baths and doing good skin hydration. In addition, it may be interesting to apply a cold compress to the burn site to relieve pain and discomfort.

In case the pain does not go away over time or if the burn pain is very severe, it is recommended to go to the dermatologist to recommend a cream or lotion that can help to regenerate the skin. One option is Caladryl, a moisturizing lotion that can be found easily in pharmacies, just apply the lotion on the most painful areas 2 to 3 times a day to see the results.

It is also important to adopt strategies to avoid sunburn, such as drinking plenty of water, wearing a hat or cap and applying sunscreen daily.

How to relieve the pain of sunburn

It is possible to relieve the pain caused by sunburn through natural measures, such as:

  • Take a cold shower; Apply moisturizing creams on the skin, keeping it well hydrated; Make compresses with cold water at the burn site for 15 minutes, as this procedure provides the reduction of swelling and immediate pain relief; Add 200 g of flakes of oatmeal in a bathtub with cold water and stay in it for approximately 20 minutes, as the oatmeal is able to nourish and protect the skin, as it has properties that help in the renewal of skin cells; apply compresses with iced green tea in the areas most affected, such as face and thighs, for example; placing slices of cucumber or potato in the burned areas, as they have regenerating properties that will bring relief quickly.

In the case of severe burns, where in addition to the skin being very red the person has fever, pain and discomfort, it is recommended to go to the emergency room or dermatologist so that other measures can be taken to relieve the pain and associated symptoms. Know some home remedy options for sunburn.

How to avoid sunburn

To avoid sunburn it is important to avoid being in the sun at times when the sun is strongest, usually between 10 am and 4 pm, and apply sunscreen appropriate to the skin type and which must have a sun protection factor of at least 30. In addition, when exposed to the sun, it is recommended to wear a cap or hat and sunglasses and drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration.

It is also important to constantly wet the skin, either going directly into the water or with the help of a spray, to prevent it from drying out. It is also important to note that exposure to the sun should be done in moderation, as it increases the likelihood of diseases, such as skin cancer, which mainly affects people with skin or light eyes.

Check out these and other tips on how to treat burns in the following video:

What to do to relieve sunburn