Home Symptoms How to differentiate between PMS and pregnancy symptoms

How to differentiate between PMS and pregnancy symptoms


The symptoms of PMS or pregnancy are very similar, so some women may have difficulty distinguishing them, especially when they have never been pregnant before.

However, a good way to find out if a woman is pregnant is to watch for morning sickness that only happens in early pregnancy. In addition, PMS symptoms last between 5 to 10 days until menstruation begins, while the first symptoms of pregnancy can last from 2 weeks to several months.

However, to correctly identify whether the woman has PMS or pregnancy it is recommended to do a pregnancy test or make an appointment with the gynecologist.

How to know if it's PMS or pregnancy

To know if it is PMS or pregnancy the woman may be aware of some differences in symptoms, such as:

Symptoms TPM Pregnancy
Bleeding Normal menstruation Small pink bleeding that lasts up to 2 days
Sickness They are not common. Frequent in the morning, right after waking up.
Breast tenderness It disappears after menstruation begins. It appears in the first 2 weeks with darker areolas.
Abdominal cramps They are more common in some women. They appear with moderate intensity in the first weeks of pregnancy.
Somnolence Lasts up to 3 days before menstruation. It is normal during the first 3 months.
Mood swings Irritability, feelings of anger and sadness. More intense feelings, with crying being frequent.

However, the differences between the symptoms of PMS or pregnancy are very slight, and the woman must know the changes in her body very well to correctly identify a possible pregnancy based only on the symptoms. In addition, the presence of these symptoms can occur in psychological pregnancy, when the woman is not pregnant, but has symptoms such as nausea and belly growth.

How to make menstruation go down faster

A good way to make menstruation go down faster, relieving PMS symptoms, is to drink cinnamon stick tea. Cinnamon sticks have properties that help with uterine contraction, which can assist in the decrease of menstruation. However, it is not recommended to take in case of a strong pregnancy suspicion, due to the risk of miscarriage. Find out more examples of teas at: 4 Teas to lower late menstruation.

Check out the first 10 pregnancy symptoms in the video below:

How to differentiate between PMS and pregnancy symptoms