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3 Tips to lose weight while breastfeeding


After delivery, it is normal for women to want to lose weight, to return to the weight they had before becoming pregnant, to increase their self-esteem and to feel good on their own skin. To know how many kilos you need to lose, see: How to know how many kilos I need to lose.

However, it is not advisable at this stage to go on very restrictive diets because they can impair breastfeeding. See how to follow a diet without compromising breastfeeding at: Postpartum diet.

The 4 tips we provide here are simple to follow and help the mother to feel good again with her own image and to lose weight naturally after giving birth, without having to make much effort. The 4 tips for quick weight loss after childbirth include:

1. Breastfeed

If possible, but choose foods well because, on the one hand, breastfeeding gets thinner, on the other hand it also makes you very hungry and eating well is different from overeating.

Producing 750 ml of milk per day should consume close to 700 cal without having to run a marathon, but it is very hungry and, if meals are not well chosen at this stage, the woman can gain a lot of weight.

2. Eat well

At the beginning and at the end of each feeding, the ideal is to eat a yogurt or a glass of juice whenever you are going to breastfeed and drink lots of water throughout the day, because it helps to produce milk and also make your stomach slightly full throughout day and with controlled hunger.

3. Spend calories

Using the kangaroo or the sling is also a kind of bodybuilding, but walking in a cart is also a good way to spend calories, tones the abdomen, distracts from the tiring routine at home and also does a lot of good for the mind and self-esteem. 20 minutes of walking can mean 100 calories less. See more at: How to strengthen the abdomen after childbirth.

Sometimes it is complicated, especially when looking in the mirror, but be patient and wait at least 6 months to face a more restrictive diet without compromising the baby's milk. Thus, the body will be more hormonally balanced to respond well to sacrifice and lose weight fast after delivery.

Losing weight after giving birth is not so easy, especially when, for some reason, the mother cannot breastfeed. But sometimes, even then, after the baby is born, stress, tiredness and bad nights make the normal weight take time to reach.

Watch the video with nutritionist tips to know what else to do:

If you no longer breastfeed, you can follow more restrictive diets that can eliminate a few pounds in a short time, but it is important to remember that the faster you lose weight, the more easily you can regain weight.

See great options for postpartum weight loss at:

3 Tips to lose weight while breastfeeding