Home Bulls Dressings for each type of burn

Dressings for each type of burn


The dressing for first-degree burns and minor second-degree burns can be done at home, using cold compresses and ointments purchased from pharmacies, for example.

The dressing for more serious burns, such as third degree burns, should always be done in the hospital or in the burn center because they are serious and need special care to avoid infections.

Learn what to do immediately after a burn.

Dressing for 1st degree burn

To make the dressing of this type of burn is recommended:

  1. Immediately wash the area with cold water and mild soap for more than 5 minutes to cool the skin and to keep it clean and free of microorganisms; In the first hours, apply a compress of cold drinking water, changing whenever it is no longer cold;

    Apply a thin layer of a good moisturizer, but avoid using petroleum jelly, as the fat can worsen the burn.

Sunburn is usually a first-degree burn and the use of an after-sun lotion, such as Caladryl, on the entire body can help to relieve pain and prevent skin from flaking. It is also important to use sunscreen and avoid exposure to the sun during the hottest hours.

See also a home remedy that you can use to speed healing.

Dressing for 2nd degree burn

The dressing for minor 2nd degree burns can be done at home, following the following steps:

  1. Wash the burned area with water for more than 10 minutes to clean the area and reduce the pain; Avoid breaking any bubbles that have formed, but, if necessary, use a sterile needle; Apply a gauze with 1% silver sulfadiazine ointment; Wrap the area carefully with a bandage.

In burns larger than 1 hand it is recommended to go to the emergency room to make a professional dressing, since the risk of infection is greater.

After healing, to prevent the region from becoming stained, it is advisable to apply a sunscreen above 50 SPF and protect the area from the sun.

Dressing for 3rd degree burn

The dressing for this type of burn should always be done at the hospital or at the burn center as it is a serious burn. In most of these cases, it is usually necessary to stay in hospital to replace lost fluids or to make skin grafts, for example.

If there is any doubt about the depth and severity of the burn, you should seek specialized medical help by calling 190 (Firefighters) or 0800 707 7575 (Instituto PrĂ³-burned).

How to care for the burn

In the following video, the nurse Manuel Reis, indicates everything he can do at home to relieve the pain and burning of a burn:

Dressings for each type of burn