The ovulation test that is bought at the pharmacy is a good method to get pregnant faster, as it indicates when the woman is in her fertile period. Some examples of a pharmacy ovulation test are Confirme and Bioeasy, which use a small amount of saliva or urine, with a 98% reliability.
Ovulation tests can also be called a female fertility test and are completely hygienic and very easy to use, helping women to find out when their fertile period is.
How to use the pharmacy ovulation test
To use the pharmacy ovulation test for saliva, just wet the stick, which looks like a lipstick, in a little saliva and the result can be seen right away. The stick contains a device that changes color when the woman is ovulating or close to the ovulation period.
If the test is designed for urine use, just dip the pipette in a small amount of urine and observe the color changes that occur. The color that corresponds to the fertile period should be noted in the test leaflet.
There are also digital ovulation tests, which indicate whether or not the woman is in the fertile period through the appearance of a happy face on the screen. Generally, a box contains 5 tests that must be used one at a time, without reuse.
Pharmacy Ovulation Test Price
The price of the Clear Blue ovulation test is approximately R $ 40.
Homemade ovulation test
The home ovulation test consists of inserting the tip of the index finger into the vagina and removing a small amount of mucus. When rubbing this mucus on the tip of the thumb, you should observe the color and its consistency.
The woman will be in her fertile period if this vaginal mucus is transparent and fluid, being slightly sticky, similar to egg white.
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