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How to know the ideal amount of body fat


In order to reach the ideal fat percentage and have a defined body, in addition to decreasing the amount of fat-rich foods you eat, it is advisable to practice high intensity exercise for at least 90 minutes every day, such as running or jumping, for example. Know the foods you should avoid at: Foods high in fat.

The amount of ideal body fat in men can vary between 16 and 20% and in women between 20 and 24%, but these values ​​usually increase with age and, in most cases, are higher in women. In addition, an individual who does physical activity regularly has less body fat than one who is sedentary.

How to calculate body fat

To calculate body fat, bioimpedance equipment is used, such as scales, which are able to easily assess the weight, the amount of water, muscle and body fat, and the measurement must be done on an empty stomach or at least 1 hour after a meal. light, like a salad.

This measurement should not be made during pregnancy, after intense physical activity, during menstruation, or 5 days before, or 5 days after menstruation, as the values ​​are changed.

In addition, there are formulas that take into account the circumferences and folds of the skin in regions with more body fat, such as the abdomen, back, arm and thigh, which the nutritionist can use to measure the amount of localized fat, helping the fitness trainer to define a training plan to decrease fat located in a region of the body.

Understand how bioimpedance works in our video:

Ideal body fat values ​​for men

20 to 29 years 30 to 39 years 40 to 49 years 50 to 59 years
Athlete less than 11% less than 12% less than 14% less than 15%
Good 11% to 13% 12% to 14% 14% to 16% 15% to 17%
Normal 14% to 20% 15% to 21% 17% to 23% 18% to 24%
High 21% to 23% 22% to 24% 24% to 26% 25% to 27%
Very high more than 23% more than 24% more than 26% 27% more

Ideal body fat values ​​for women

20 to 29 years 30 to 39 years 40 to 49 years 50 to 59 years
Athlete less than 16% less than 17% less than 18% less than 19%
Good 16% to 19% 17% to 20% 18% to 21% 19% to 22%
Normal 20% to 28% 21% to 29% 22% to 30% 23% to 31%
High 29% to 31% 30% to 32% 31% to 33% 32% to 34%
Very high more than 31% more than 32% more than 33% more than 34%

When the patient is over 60 years old, it is normal to have a percentage of fat higher than the values ​​in the tables and, therefore, it is necessary for the nutritionist to relate the value to the elderly's food and physical activity.

Keeping the amount of body fat within the ideal values ​​is important to ensure health, to protect internal organs and maintain the ideal body temperature, for example.

How to decrease body fat

To lose weight and decrease the percentage of body fat while maintaining or increasing muscle mass, it is important to practice physical activity with regularity and high intensity for at least 3 months, such as cycling or running. Try this plan: Running training to burn fat.

Use the calculator to find out what your BMI is and whether it is within normal values:

How to know the ideal amount of body fat