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Flu or cold: what are the differences


The main difference between the flu and the cold is the intensity of your symptoms and the location of the affected airways.

In general, in flu the symptoms are more intense and in the cold they are lighter and have a shorter duration. In addition, in the cold the region affects the uppermost part of the lung, while in the flu, the entire lung can be affected.

In addition, the flu occurs mainly during the winter and the infection is very easy, just having someone with the flu in a room so that in a short time everyone is contaminated with the disease.

Main differences between Flu and Cold

The following table summarizes the main differences between flu and cold:

Differences The flu Cold
Causes It is caused by the Influenza virus It is caused by Rhinovirus or similar
Duration Lasts 7 to 10 days Lasts 2 to 4 days
Symptoms There is a high fever Low fever or no fever
There is cough, a lot of muscle pain and severe headache There is cough, some muscle pain and a slight headache
There is sore throat, eyes and runny nose There is malaise and a runny nose, and there may be hoarseness
Complications Pneumonia Otitis, sinusitis, bronchitis
Treatment Drink lots of fluids, take medicines like Apracur and Benegripe. Take medications like Paracetamol, Ibuprofen and vitamin C.

Similar to the flu and cold, there is also the flu syndrome, which can be caused by the flu virus, but also by other viruses or bacteria. Its symptoms are similar to those of the flu and include fever, cough, sore throat, muscle pain and headache.

Although flu-like syndrome can be treated at home with rest and fluid intake, there are cases where the symptoms may worsen for high and persistent fever or difficulty breathing, for example. In such cases, it is recommended to go to the hospital to make the diagnosis with a general practitioner and start treatment with an antibiotic, if necessary.

How to treat the flu

The treatment of the flu can be done with medications prescribed by the doctor that can include Paracetamol to lower the fever and remedies for flu like Cegripe, for example, because they have ingredients that favor the elimination of the virus.

In addition it is recommended to rest and drink plenty of fluids, such as water, juices, teas or soups. Here's how to prepare some teas for flu treatment in this video:

Once the flu virus reaches the lungs, if the person does not undergo any type of treatment, there may be complications such as the development of pneumonia, for example.

Check out 7 tips to decrease flu symptoms.

How to treat the cold

To treat the cold it may be necessary to take some medicine to decongest the airways, such as an anti-allergic, such as Desloratadine, for example.

Taking vitamin C can help strengthen the immune system and fight symptoms faster, so it can be useful to take orange juice, pineapple, acerola and eat strawberries, for example.

See a great home remedy for a cold.

Home remedy for flu and cold

Great home remedies for flu and cold are lemon tea with honey and orange juice with propolis, as they are rich in vitamin C and antioxidants that help in the recovery of the body.

Other important precautions in case of flu or cold are:

  • Wrap up well; Keep feet warm; Always wash hands after sneezing or coughing; Place your forearm in front of your mouth whenever you cough or sneeze; Avoid indoors; Avoid eating cold foods; Keep your nose always clean and decongested.

These precautions serve, in particular, to avoid exposure to sudden changes in temperature.

See what they are and what to do to relieve flu symptoms.

Flu or cold: what are the differences