Home Bulls How to use the diaphragm to prevent pregnancy

How to use the diaphragm to prevent pregnancy


The diaphragm is a contraceptive method that takes the form of a flexible ring surrounded by a thin layer of rubber that prevents sperm from entering the uterus, preventing the fertilization of the egg and, consequently, pregnancy.

Generally, a woman should consult a gynecologist to assess, through a touch exam, the appropriate size of the diaphragm, since he needs to completely cover the cervix to prevent the passage of sperm.

How to put

To place the diaphragm correctly, follow these steps:

  1. Place a little spermicidal cream inside the diaphragm to increase effectiveness; Fold the diaphragm with the round part down; Insert the diaphragm with the round part down; Push the diaphragm and adjust it to be correctly placed.

The diaphragm must be removed after at least 6 hours of intimate contact, so that all sperm die. However, it should not remain in the uterus for more than 24 hours to prevent infection.

After being removed, the diaphragm must be washed with cold water and mild soap, dried naturally and stored in its packaging.

The diaphragm is not disposable and can be used for up to 2 years. However, if he has a puncture, is getting wrinkled, or if the woman becomes pregnant or gains weight, the diaphragm must be replaced.

To work properly, the diaphragm must be placed about 15 to 30 minutes before intimate contact and removed only 12 hours after intercourse.

Advantages and disadvantages of the diaphragm

The main advantages of the diaphragm include:

  • Prevention against pregnancy; Has no hormonal side effects; Usage can be stopped at any time; It is easy to be used; It is rarely felt by the partner; It can last up to 2 years; Cannot enter the uterus or get lost in the woman's body; Protects women from some STDs, such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, pelvic inflammatory disease and trichomoniasis.

On the other hand, the disadvantages of the diaphragm are:

  • Presents a 10% chance of failing; Must be sanitized after each use; Diaphragm size should be assessed when a woman gains weight; Cannot be used during menstruation; Does not protect against most STDs; May cause vaginal irritation.

The use of this contraceptive is indicated for women who have already had sex and do not have a urinary, cervical or vagina infection. Virgin women with a latex allergy or who have a cervical problem cannot use the diaphragm.

Diaphragm price

The diaphragm price varies between 15 and 75 reais, depending on the size and the selected brand.

How to use the diaphragm to prevent pregnancy