The Confirme pregnancy test measures the amount of the hCG hormone present in the urine, giving a positive result when the woman is pregnant. Ideally, the test should be performed early in the morning, which is when the urine is most concentrated.
This test can be purchased at pharmacies or online , for a price of around 12 reais.
How to use
To perform the pregnancy test Confirm, the woman should pee in a proper container, which comes in the package, and soak the tape in the urine, letting it soak for 1 minute and wait 5 minutes before observing the change in the color of the test.
This test can be performed from the first day of the menstrual delay and the most appropriate is to perform any pregnancy test using the first morning urine, because it is more concentrated. However, if the woman wishes, she can do the test at any time of the day, but the ideal is to wait about 4 hours without urinating, to obtain a more concentrated urine and a more reliable result.
How to interpret the result
If 2 pink or red stripes appear, the result is positive, but only 1 line indicates that the test was performed correctly, but the result is negative. If no stripe appears, the result should be considered invalid, and a new test with a new packaging must be performed.
If the person is trying to get pregnant and the result is negative, a new test should be done after 5 days. This test indicates a positive result when the amount of hormone in the urine is equal to or greater than 25 mUI / ml, which can be achieved after 3 or 4 weeks of gestation, so if the woman has not yet reached this value, the result will be negative, although you may already be pregnant.
Find out what are the first 10 symptoms of pregnancy.
Women who have taken any medication to stimulate ovulation may have hCG hormone in their urine and the test result may seem positive, but in this case, this may not be true and the best way to know if there has been fertilization is through the laboratory pregnancy test., which measures the amount of hormones in the blood.
Result with urine of men
This test is only used to diagnose pregnancy in women and therefore should be used with women's urine. However, the test measures the amount of hCG in the urine, which can also be present in the urine of men when they have health problems such as testicular tumor, prostate, breast or lung cancer.