Home Symptoms Lack of vitamin E in the baby

Lack of vitamin E in the baby


The lack of vitamin E is rare, but it can happen due to problems related to intestinal absorption, which can result in changes in coordination, muscle weakness, infertility and difficulty in getting pregnant, for example.

Vitamin E is a great antioxidant, preventing aging, cardiovascular disease and cancer, for example, in addition to strengthening the immune system and participating in the formation of several hormones, also having an important role with regard to the reproductive system. Know what vitamin E is for

Consequences of lack of vitamin E

The lack of vitamin E is rare and is usually the result of problems related to the absorption of the vitamin, which may be due to pancreatic insufficiency or biliary atresia, which corresponds to fibrosis and obstruction of the bile ducts, and its absorption in the intestine is not possible.

This vitamin is important in the formation of hormones and removal of free radicals, thus, the symptoms of vitamin E deficiency are related to the vascular, reproductive and neuromuscular system, which may result in decreased reflexes, difficulties in walking and coordination, muscle weakness and Headache. In addition, it can increase the risk of atherosclerosis as well as interfere with fertility.

Lack of vitamin E in the baby

Newborn babies have low concentrations of vitamin E because there is little passage through the placenta, however, this is not a major cause for concern because breast milk is sufficient to supply the baby's need for vitamin E.

Only when the baby is born prematurely is there a greater concern with the amount of this vitamin in the body, and so the doctor may order a blood test to find out if the baby is lacking vitamin E, although this is not always necessary.

The main symptoms related to vitamin E deficiency in babies are muscle weakness and hemolytic anemia between the sixth and tenth week of life, in addition to an eye problem called retinopathy of prematurity. When even with breast milk the baby does not have access to adequate amounts of vitamin E, the pediatrician may recommend vitamin E supplementation. In cases of premature retinopathy and intracerebral bleeding, approximately 10 to 50 mg of vitamin E is administered daily under medical supervision.

Where to find vitamin E

It is possible to avoid the lack of vitamin E through the consumption of foods that are rich in this vitamin, such as butter, egg yolk, sunflower oil, almonds, hazelnuts and Brazil nuts, for example. The nutritionist can also recommend the use of supplements of this vitamin if necessary. Discover foods rich in vitamin E.

The lack of vitamin E can be treated with the consumption of foods rich in vitamin E such as sunflower oil, almonds, hazelnuts or Brazil nuts, but you can also use dietary supplements based on vitamin E, which should be advised by the doctor or nutritionist.

Lack of vitamin E in the baby