Home Bulls Homemade toothpaste to whiten teeth

Homemade toothpaste to whiten teeth


Here you will find 3 great all-natural recipes that can be used to replace industrialized toothpaste, keeping your teeth clean, strong and healthy.

These homemade options even help to whiten your teeth, naturally, without having to resort to dental treatments, but for this purpose it is important to brush your teeth daily and avoid situations that darken your teeth such as the use of antibiotics in childhood and adolescence, cigarette and dark food. Find out more causes here.

1. Recipe with cloves and juá

It may seem strange but a good way to replace toothpaste and keep your teeth always clean is to brush your teeth with a mixture of the following powders:

  • Clove powderStevia strataSalvia powderJá extract

Simply mix each of these ingredients in the same proportion and store in a clean bottle, keeping it in a dry and capped place. When using it, just dip the toothbrush in water and then touch the powder with the brush's bristles, rubbing the teeth next.

These natural products that can be found in stores selling vegans or even on the internet.

2. Saffron recipe

This recipe is easier to prepare at home and does not harm your teeth, being very useful for maintaining oral hygiene, without having to resort to traditional toothpaste:

  • Turmeric (saffron) Cinnamon powder

You can mix all the ingredients and use it as if it were your toothpaste, rubbing it on all your teeth.

3. Recipe with coconut oil

To prepare this toothpaste you will need:

  • In a large bowl, whisk together the coconut oil, salt and pepper, and season with salt and pepper.

Mix the ingredients well and store in a glass container, keeping tightly closed. To use, remove a small amount with a spoon and apply to the brush.

Teeth may turn yellow due to the consumption of dark colored foods such as wine, chocolate, coffee and teas, especially when the individual is not in the habit of brushing his teeth after consuming these foods. But there are other situations that can make your teeth yellow or yellow as the genetic factor and taking antibiotics.

Watch the video below and find out what are the main causes of yellow teeth and what you can do to have teeth that are always white and healthy:

Homemade toothpaste to whiten teeth