Home Bulls Damater



Damater is a multivitamin indicated for pregnant women because it contains several vitamins and minerals necessary for the health of women and the development of the baby.

This supplement contains the following components: Vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C, D, E, folic acid, iron, zinc and calcium but should only be used under medical advice because the excess of vitamins is also harmful to health.

Damater does not put on weight because it has no calories, does not increase appetite, or cause fluid retention.

What is it for

To combat vitamin deficiency in women who are trying to conceive or during pregnancy. Folic acid supplementation 3 months before becoming pregnant and in the first 3 months of pregnancy decreases the risk of fetal malformation.

How to take

Take 1 capsule daily with food. If you forget to take the medicine, take it as soon as you remember but do not take 2 doses on the same day because there is no need.

Main side effects

In some women it may favor constipation so it is advisable to increase your intake of water and foods rich in fiber. Although rare, excessive consumption of this supplement can cause loss of appetite, excessive sweating, prostration, tiredness, weakness, headache, thirst, dizziness, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, change in urine color, signs of toxicity to the liver, drowsiness, irritability, behavioral disorders, hypotonia, changes in laboratory tests, and increased bleeding tendency in patients with vitamin K deficiency.

Who should not take

This multivitamin is not recommended for the treatment of pernicious anemia, in case of hypervitaminosis A or D, kidney failure, excessive iron absorption, excess blood or urine calcium. It is also not indicated for children or the elderly, nor people who take medicines based on acetylsalicylic acid, levodopa, cimetidine, carbamazepine or tetracycline and antacids.
