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Wisdom tooth: when to take and how is recovery


The wisdom tooth is the last tooth to be born, around 18 years of age and it can take several years before it is born completely. However, it is common for the dentist to indicate its withdrawal through minor surgery because he may not have enough space inside the mouth, pressing on the other teeth or even being damaged by cavities.

The wisdom tooth extraction must always be done in a dental office and lasts a few minutes with local anesthesia, after which some points are given. In the postoperative period, it is advisable to avoid eating or drinking for at least 2 hours and if there is a lot of pain after surgery, you should take an analgesic every 4 hours and rest for at least 1 day.

Complete recovery of wisdom tooth extraction can take up to 1 week, but this period may vary according to the complexity of the surgery and the number of teeth removed, for example. However, there are some precautions that can speed healing.

Wisdom teeth that need to be removed

When wisdom must be extracted

Generally, the dentist recommends extraction of the wisdom tooth when:

  • The tooth cannot get out of the gum and is stuck; The tooth is rising at the wrong angle, putting pressure on the other teeth; There is not enough space in the arch to receive the new tooth; The wisdom tooth has cavities or there is a gum disease.

In addition, if during the wisdom tooth birth the pain becomes very intense and unbearable, the doctor may also advise that the tooth be removed, so as not to cause further discomfort. Here are some natural ways to relieve toothache.

After the wisdom tooth extraction, healing takes about 1 week and, therefore, some dentists prefer to remove more than one wisdom tooth at the same time, if necessary, to avoid having to undergo the healing process several times. times in a row.

How wisdom wisdom is extracted

Before extracting the tooth, the dentist will assess whether antibiotics need to be taken for 8 days before surgery, if there are signs of caries or inflammation in the wisdom teeth to prevent infections and for anesthesia to take effect.

On the day of the extraction, the dentist will anesthetize the part of the mouth necessary to remove the tooth, and then with appropriate instruments, it will remove the wisdom teeth from the others and pull it away, removing it. In case the tooth is not yet completely born, a cut can be made in the gum to where the tooth is located, so that it can be removed.

Once removed, the dentist will close the area with stitches, if necessary, and place a sterile compress on the spot so that the person can bite to stop the bleeding.

The easiest teeth to remove are those that are neither inflamed nor included, with faster extraction and easier recovery. The wisdom tooth included may take longer in the surgery for its extraction and the recovery may be a little slower due to the size of the cut in the mouth.

Carious wisdom tooth

Signs of inflamed wisdom tooth

When a wisdom tooth is decayed it is normal to have bad breath, but when the wisdom tooth is inflamed, other signs appear, such as:

  • Acute toothache with a throbbing sensation; Pain in the face, near the jaw; Headache; Redness at the wisdom tooth birthplace.

These symptoms can occur when the wisdom tooth is being born, but they are more bearable. When the wisdom tooth does not have enough space to be born, it can start to be born crooked, stop being born for a period and after a few months be born again.

Care after wisdom tooth extraction

After removing the wisdom tooth, the dentist should guide certain recommendations such as biting the compress he leaves inside the mouth to prevent bleeding, remaining with it for about 1 to 2 hours. In addition, you should:

  • Avoid hot foods and prefer ice cream, as long as they are liquid or soft, especially on the same day as removing wisdom teeth; Do not rinse or use mouthwash to avoid irritation and bleeding during the first day; Use a soft bristle brush to brush your teeth, and only the day after surgery; Maintain rest on the wisdom tooth extraction day, avoiding going to work; Return to more intense physical activities only 3 to 5 days after extraction, or according to the doctor's instructions.

It is normal for the side of the face where the wisdom tooth was removed to become swollen and that is why you can take anti-inflammatory drugs such as Ibuprofen and use a cold compress on your face. Lymphatic drainage can also help to deflate, relieving pain. See how to do it in the following video:

How to speed up healing

In order for the gum tissues to heal faster, reducing pain and swelling, you should eat foods rich in protein such as boiled eggs, shredded chicken or baked fish, for example.

These foods contain the nutrients that the body needs to close the wound faster, accelerating healing. Learn more examples of what you can eat when you can't chew.

Warning signs to return to the dentist

You should go back to the dentist if symptoms such as:

  • Fever above 38ºC; Increased swelling at the tooth extraction site; Very severe pain that worsens over time; Excessive bleeding.

In addition, if it appears that some piece of food has entered the wound, you should also go back to the dentist, to remove and prevent the development of an infection at the site, for example. Generally, when a piece of food gets stuck inside the wound, it is common to feel a lot of sensitivity or a throbbing sensation.

Wisdom tooth: when to take and how is recovery