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Depura or Depura Kids is a supplement based on Vitamin D, which helps to strengthen bones and teeth, and which can be purchased in the form of Depura drops for adults, or in the form of Depura Kids for children.

Depura or Depura Kids can be purchased at pharmacies, drugstores or health food stores, and does not require a prescription but should only be taken under medical advice.

What is it for

Depura ou Depura Kids is a dietary supplement of Vitamin D, which helps in the maintenance of bones and teeth and which favors the intestinal absorption of calcium present in the daily diet, in adults and children.

The price of Depura or Depura Kids varies between 35 and 55 reais, depending on the number of ml of the medicine.

How to take

Adults should take Depura once a day, and the recommended dose is 1 drop per day.

Children should take Depura Kids only as directed, and the recommended dose is usually 1 drop a day.


Patients who may be allergic to any of the components of the formula should not take this medication.
