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Baby development


The 35-week-old baby, who is 8 months pregnant, is already fully formed and already looks similar to that expected at birth. However, you still need to grow some more and gain more weight before you are born.

At 35 weeks of gestation, the baby is usually already with his head turned down, but in some cases, he may be sitting, and it is possible to perform some exercises that help the baby to turn upside down. See how to do the exercises.

Development of the fetus at 35 weeks of gestation

At 35 weeks, all of the baby's organs are fully formed, except the lungs that continue to develop and produce more fluid that will stop them from stopping when the baby starts breathing. Both kidneys are already 100% functioning, as well as the liver, which can also perform its functions, processing substances that the body no longer needs.

The baby's face becomes smoother, the wrinkles have disappeared and the skin is pink and no longer reddish because of the white fat that has accumulated on it. This fat will give you energy and control over your body temperature after you are born. In addition, the baby is covered in a thick layer of creamy vernix and may already have enough hair and fingernails reach the fingertips, but the toenails are not yet fully developed.

The wall of the mother's uterus and abdomen becomes thinner, allowing more light to pass through, which will facilitate the regulation of activity cycles during the day / night and will cause the baby to close and blink, reacting to the bright light. He will also react frequently to sounds, being able to move or jump when he hears a loud noise, music or the mother's voice.

Now there is not much space inside the uterus and the baby may have turned around and taken upside down, ready to be born. It is likely that he will feel very tight in the womb and may have difficulty moving, but the mother will continue to feel the movements and if she looks at the belly, she may sometimes be able to distinguish the outline of an elbow, a foot or the head.

What is the size of the fetus

The size of the fetus at 35 weeks of gestation is approximately 43.7 centimeters in length and weighs around 1900 g.

What changes in pregnant

The changes in women at 35 weeks of gestation are symptoms of shortness of breath and indigestion because the uterus is very close to the ribs, compressing the stomach, digestive tract and lungs. A good tip is to try to breathe deeply whenever you have difficulty breathing and eat smaller, more frequent meals.

Despite the increase in trips to the bathroom due to the weight of the uterus on the bladder, the mother should not reduce her water intake as the baby needs plenty of fluids. A good idea, however, is to reduce the consumption of diuretic drinks, such as tea, coffee and soda.

At this stage of pregnancy, the woman may normally have gained a lot of weight and her belly button may be protruding and larger.

From that week, the doctor should ask the mother to attend weekly appointments until the day of delivery to more closely control the mother's blood pressure and the baby's position.

Your pregnancy by trimester

To make your life easier and you don't waste time looking, we have separated all the information you need for each trimester of pregnancy. What quarter are you in?

  • 1st Quarter (from the 1st to the 13th week) 2nd Quarter (from the 14th to the 27th week) 3rd Quarter (from the 28th to the 41st week)
Baby development