Home Bulls Baby development at 1 month

Baby development at 1 month


In the development of the 1-month-old baby, it is expected that he will be more attracted to shiny objects, although his greatest interest is in people.

The 1 month old baby is also able to:

  • Try to raise your head for seconds when you are placed on your stomach; Stop moving your feet and arms when your visual attention is requested; Grab something that touches your hand, although it does not hold you for a long time;

Try to raise your head

Grab something that touches your hand

Fix the eyes on the mother
  • Seeing people and objects as stains; Emitting some sounds; Hearing and recognizing the mother's voice and smell; Fixing eyes on the mother in response to her smile.

At 1 month of age, the baby does not like to be covered too much or too little, to wear tight clothes, to keep a dirty diaper, to make sudden movements, such as jumping in the air, for example, noises of voice, radio, television or doors that slam.

The pace of development varies for each baby, so it is important to respect the pace of the baby and take him to the Pediatrician regularly for him to assess the growth and development of the baby.

See too:

Baby development at 1 month