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Childhood diabetes: what it is, symptoms, causes and what to do


Childhood diabetes, or childhood DM, is a condition characterized by a high concentration of glucose circulating in the blood, which results in increased thirst and urge to urinate, in addition to increased hunger, for example.

Type 1 diabetes is the most common in children and occurs due to the destruction of the cells in the pancreas responsible for the production of insulin, which is the hormone responsible for transporting sugar into the cells and preventing it from accumulating in the blood. This type of childhood diabetes has no cure, only control, which is done mainly with the use of insulin, as directed by the pediatrician.

Although type 1 diabetes is more frequent, children who have unhealthy lifestyle habits can develop type 2 diabetes, which can be reversed at an early stage through the adoption of healthy habits such as a balanced diet and physical activity..

Main symptoms

The main indicative symptoms of childhood diabetes are:

  • Increased hunger; Constant feeling of thirst; Dry mouth; Increased urination, even during the night; Blurry vision; Excessive tiredness; Drowsiness; Lack of desire to play; Nausea and vomiting; Weight loss; Recurrent infections; Irritability and mood swings; Difficulty understanding and learning.

When the child has some of these symptoms it is recommended that the parents consult the pediatrician so that the diagnosis is made and the treatment can be started, if necessary. See how more on how to identify the first signs of diabetes in children.

How to confirm the diagnosis

The diagnosis of childhood diabetes is made by means of a fasting blood test to check the circulating blood glucose levels. The normal value of fasting glucose in the blood is up to 99 mg / dL, so higher values ​​may be indicative of diabetes, and the doctor should order other tests to confirm diabetes. Know the tests that confirm diabetes.

What causes childhood diabetes

The most common type of childhood diabetes is type 1 diabetes, which has a genetic cause, that is, the child is already born with this condition. In this type of diabetes, the body's own cells destroy the cells of the pancreas responsible for insulin production, which causes glucose to remain in high concentrations in the blood. Despite having a genetic cause, food and a lack of physical activity can also increase the amount of glucose in the blood even more and thus worsen symptoms.

In the case of type 2 childhood diabetes, the main cause is an unbalanced diet rich in sweets, pasta, fried foods and soft drinks, in addition to the lack of physical activities.

What to do in childhood diabetes

In the case of confirmation of childhood diabetes, it is important that parents encourage healthier habits in children. Thus, it is important to encourage the child to practice physical activities and to have a healthy and balanced diet, which should be recommended by a nutritionist.

The diet for childhood diabetes should be divided into 6 meals during the day and should be balanced in proteins, carbohydrates and fats, avoiding foods rich in sugar. A strategy to make the child eat right and follow the diet is for the family to also follow the same type of diet, as this reduces the child's desire to eat other things and facilitates the treatment and control of blood glucose levels.

In the case of type 1 childhood diabetes, it is recommended, in addition to healthy eating and exercise, the use of insulin injections daily, which should be done according to the pediatrician's guidance. It is also important to monitor the child's blood glucose levels before and after the meal, as if there is any change, it is necessary to go to the pediatrician to avoid complications.

Childhood diabetes: what it is, symptoms, causes and what to do