Home Bulls Diazepam (valium)

Diazepam (valium)


Diazepam is a medication used to treat anxiety, agitation and muscle spasms and is considered anxiolytic, muscle relaxant and anticonvulsant.

Diazepam can be purchased from conventional pharmacies under the trade name Valium, produced by the Roche laboratory. However, it can also be purchased as a generic by Teuto, Sanofi or EMS laboratories with the doctor's indication.


The price of generic Diazepam varies between 2 and 12 reais, while the price of Valium varies between 6 and 17 reais.


Diazepam is indicated for the symptomatic relief of anxiety, tension and other physical or psychological complaints associated with anxiety syndrome. It can also be useful as an adjunct in the treatment of anxiety or agitation associated with psychiatric disorders.

It is also useful in relieving muscle spasm due to local trauma such as injury or inflammation. It can also be used in the treatment of spasticity, as occurs in cerebral palsy and paralysis of the legs, as well as in other diseases of the nervous system.

How to use

The use of Diazepam in adults is to take 5 to 10 mg tablets, but depending on the severity of the symptoms, the doctor may increase the dose by 5 - 20 mg / day.

Generally, the action of Valium is noticed after about 20 minutes of ingestion, but taking it with grapefruit juice can enhance its action.

Side effects

Side effects of Diazepam include drowsiness, excessive tiredness, difficulty walking, mental confusion, constipation, depression, difficulty speaking, headache, low pressure, dry mouth or urinary incontinence.


Diazepam is contraindicated for patients with hypersensitivity to any component of the formula, severe respiratory failure, severe liver failure, sleep apnea syndrome, myasthenia gravis, or dependent on other drugs, including alcohol. It should not be taken by women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.

See other remedies with similar action to Diazepam:

  • Flurazepam (Dalmadorm)

Diazepam (valium)