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Safety tips to protect your child at home


To prevent accidents at home it is necessary for parents to take certain precautions to protect children, such as putting protectors in plugs, because even though the house looks safe, it can contain certain dangers that can cause problems such as suffocation, or endanger life. of children.

It is also important to check if the toys you have at home are suitable for your child's age because some toys are manufactured at a low cost, being dangerous and can cause choking or intoxication. See: How to know if the toy is safe for your child.

Some general safety measures that parents, caregivers, grandparents, uncles or other family members should take when having a child under the age of 5 at home, include:

How to avoid accidents in the kitchen

To avoid accidents in the kitchen it is very important:

  • Leave the handles of the pots facing the center of the stove, so as not to touch and spill over the child; Keep cleaning products high up, never within reach of children, so that they do not drink their contents; Do not let the child play with plastic bags because they can cause suffocation, placing them on the head, for example.

In addition, cooking with the child should not be done in the kitchen because it can disturb the mother or other family member and can burn the child.

How to avoid accidents in the room

To avoid accidents with children in the room, you must:

  • Put special protectors in the sockets so that children do not put their fingers; Keep sofas, chairs and armchairs away from the windows, so that the child does not lean on the window; Place a grid to prevent the child from going to high places, such as stairs and that could cause a fall.

In addition, whenever possible, you should be watching the child because the child's curiosity can cause him to move everything and drop some heavy object on the child.

How to avoid accidents in the bathroom

The bathroom is a place with some dangers and, to avoid accidents, you must:

  • Close the toilet lid, so that the child does not play with the toilet water; Use non-slip mats to prevent falls; Put protectors in the drawers so that they are always closed and so that the child does not pinch fingers or climb in the drawers; Put only 20 to 20 cm of water for the child not to drown and if possible to keep watch;

In addition, cleaning products, creams and cosmetics should be placed in high and inaccessible places so that the child does not become intoxicated.

How to avoid accidents in the bedroom

The child's room can also have some dangers and to avoid them you must:

  • Do not leave the child alone in the absence of changes, as it may roll and fall; Use very firm cabinets, or fixed on the wall so they don't fall, if the child wants to 'climb'; Pay attention to the objects you leave on the bedside table or on the head of the bed because small objects can be easily swallowed; Always lock the window and access to the balcony.

In addition to all these precautions, it is important not to leave the child alone at any time, being attentive to everything he is doing and, therefore, having an electronic nanny with a video camera in the room, is a good way to check if the baby is fine without having to enter the room and disturb the baby's sleep.

Objects that can be dangerous for the child

If your child ingests some of the substances listed below, you should take him to the emergency room, such as:

Perfume, Deodorant, After-Shave Lotion, Fabric Softeners, Hair Spray

Tall windows

Medicines, Boric water, Ethyl alcohol, Naphthalene, Neocid;

Wires and electrical outlets

Insecticides, Kerosene

Knives or sharp objects

Hair dye, fabric dye or mark objects;

Tanning oils.

Very small objects
Cleaning products Objects with points and the height of the child's height

Some of these goals can cause asphyxiation, poisoning or small injuries and for that, it is important how to act. Find out what to do in: First aid for the 8 most common domestic accidents

Safety tips to protect your child at home