Home Bulls Tips to avoid ingrown hairs

Tips to avoid ingrown hairs


To avoid ingrown hairs, which occur when the hair grows and penetrates the skin again, it is necessary to take some care, especially with epilation and skin, such as:

  1. Use hot or cold wax for hair removal, as this method plucks the hair from the root, reducing the probability of ingrowing; Avoid the use of depilatory creams, as they do not remove hair by the root; Be careful not to hurt the skin if you choose to use the razor for epilation, as this facilitates the entry of bacteria, which results in ingrowing; Do not reuse the blade after epilation; Avoid using creams or lotions for 3 days after waxing; Do not wear tight or tight clothing; Use a body scrub twice a week; Never try to remove the ingrown hair with the nail, as this favors the proliferation of bacteria, generating greater inflammation with a high probability of leaving dark marks on the body.

These precautions prevent hairs from becoming ingrown, however, laser hair removal is a definitive solution, as it acts on the hair growth site. Learn more at: Laser hair removal.

Exfoliation to prevent ingrown hairs

Exfoliation helps to clean and renew the skin, as it removes the most superficial layer of the skin, preventing the appearance of ingrown hairs.


  • In a large bowl, whisk together the oil, salt and pepper, and season with salt and pepper.

Method of preparation

Mix the ingredients until they form a homogeneous mixture. Then apply the mixture to the body and massage with circular movements. After exfoliation, apply a moisturizing cream on the body.

Here are some homemade options to get rid of ingrown hairs in:

Tips to avoid ingrown hairs