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Simple tips to lose weight without sacrifice


To lose weight without diet and without exercise, a good option is to start by exchanging white bread for tapioca with cheese, for example, and staying active even if you don't have time to go to the gym, using the stairs instead of the elevator whenever possible.

So, to start losing weight, without making a difficult diet and without spending money in the gym, doing breathtaking physical exercises that you don't like, try following these tips on how to lose weight without diet and without exercise.

To lose weight without diet

Making small and simple food changes is the key to being able to lose weight without a diet, such as:

1. Exchange mayonnaise or whipped cream for low- fat natural yogurt: low-fat natural yogurt has much less fat, in addition to improving intestinal transit.

2. Swap sodas for iced black tea with sparkling water and 2 to 3 drops of lemon: black tea is an antioxidant, speeds up metabolism and decreases appetite, helping you lose weight.

3. Swap sugar for stevia sweetener: stevia sweetener is a natural sweetener that has no calories.

4. Swap rice, bread and white dough for rice, bread and wholegrain dough: wholemeal options have a greater amount of fiber and micronutrients.

5. Exchange the potato for chayote: chayote has few calories and is rich in water and fiber, decreasing appetite and regulating the intestine, helping to lose weight.

6. Swap sugary cereals for oats: oats are rich in fiber, increasing satiety and controlling hunger, in addition to having no gluten.

7. Exchange snacks for dehydrated fruits: dehydrated fruits have no fat, no additives, and they have a good amount of fiber.

8. Swap ready-made spices such as knorr broth for aromatic herbs: aromatic herbs have no fat or chemical additives, in addition to enhancing the taste of food. Learn how to use another type of seasonings that lose weight.

9. Exchange lunch at the restaurant or snack bar for a home- cooked meal: lunchbox is an excellent alternative to the bad and calorie options of restaurants or snack bars.

10. Swap the plate for a smaller plate: the smaller plate causes less food to be placed on it.

11. Swap fried foods, stews and sauces for steamed foods: when steaming, less fat is eaten, because it is not necessary to use olive oil, butter or oil and the fat that comes out of the food is not consumed. Find out more at: 5 good reasons to steam.

12. Change the sweets and cookies filled with cinnamon and popcorn: simple popcorn has few calories and is rich in fiber, helping to lose weight. In addition, cinnamon speeds up metabolism and decreases appetite.

13. Swap ice cream for fruit popsicles: Fruit popsicles have less fat and are, in general, less caloric.

Thus, following these tips to lose weight, it is possible to lose weight without starving, just choose the best foods to achieve the ideal weight and maintain health.

To lose weight without exercise

Losing weight without exercising is also possible, just stay active, changing some daily habits such as:

14. Avoid using the television remote control and do squats or leg exercises while watching the commercial on television;

15. Use the stairs instead of the elevator;

16. Take the dog for a walk 2 times a week;

17. Take a family bike ride once a week, as at the weekend, for example;

18. Exit 2 or 3 bus stops first, park the car farther away or go to work by bicycle;

19. End the day with a 1-hour walk;

20. Playing with children and cleaning the house also helps to lose calories.

Check out these and other tips on how to lose weight without exercising that requires a lot of effort, in the following video:

While these tips help you lose weight, the results are only visible in the long run. However, it is easier to lose weight this way because there is not so much effort involved and willingness to give up.

Simple tips to lose weight without sacrifice