Home Bulls Dicinone



Dicinone is an anti-hemorrhagic medication that has Etansilate as its active substance.

This medicine for oral and injectable use is used to treat simple hemorrhages, acting to maintain the stability of the capillary wall and stop abnormal bleeding.

Indications of Dicinone

Hemorrhages from small blood vessels.

Dicinone price

The box of 250 mg Dicinone containing 20 tablets costs approximately 25 reais and the box of 125 mg containing 6 ampoules costs approximately 27 reais.

Side Effects of Dicinone

Headache; rash on the skin; nausea; pressure fall; anaphylactic reactions.

Contraindications for Dicinone

Pregnant or lactating women; Hipersensibility to any of the formula's components.

How to use Dicinone

Injectable Use


  • Hemorrhage (During and after surgery): Administer from 750 to 1000 mg, followed by a dose of 500 mg (injectable or oral) every 4 or 6 hours.


  • Hemorrhage (During and after surgery): Administer 375 to 500 mg, followed by a dose of 500 mg (injectable or oral) every 4 or 6 hours.

Oral use


  • Administer 1.5 g, divided into 3 outlets. Treatment should last 10 to 20 days per month.


  • Administer 750 mg, divided into 3 doses. Treatment should last 10 to 20 days per month.