Home Bulls Sodium diclofenac

Sodium diclofenac


Diclofenac Sodium is a medicine known commercially as Fisioren or Voltaren.

This medicine, for oral and injectable use, is an anti-inflammatory and anti-rheumatic used to treat muscle pain, arthritis and rheumatism.

Indications for Sodium Diclofenac

Renal and biliary colic; otitis; acute attacks of gout; painful spinal syndromes; dysmenorrhea; spondylitis; inflammatory or painful post-traumatic and postoperative conditions in gynecology, orthopedics and dentistry; tonsillitis; osteoarthritis; pharyngotonsillitis.

Side Effects of Diclofenac Sodium

Gases; lack of appetite; depression; seizures; vision disorders; gastrointestinal bleeding; bloody diarrhea; constipation; vomiting; edema at the injection site; skin rashes; somnolence; stomachache; abdominal cramps; gastric ulcer; aphthous stomatitis; glossitis, esophageal lesions; diaphragmatic intestinal stenosis; headache dizziness, vertigo; insomnia; anxiety; Nightmares; sensitivity disorders, including paresthesia, memory disorders, disorientation; taste disorders; urticaria; hair loss; photosensitivity reaction.

Contraindications for Diclofenac Sodium

Children; individuals with peptic ulcer; Hipersensibility to any of the formula's components.

How to Use Diclofenac Sodium

Oral use


  • Administer 100 to 150 mg (2 to 3 tablets) of Diclofenac Sodium daily or 2 to 3 divided doses.

Injectable Use

  • Inject an ampoule (75 mg) daily, by deep intramuscular route, applied to the gluteal region. It is not recommended to use the injectable form for more than 2 days.
Sodium diclofenac