Home Bulls Diet to fight menopausal symptoms

Diet to fight menopausal symptoms


Following dietary guidelines correctly during menopause is very important for women to go through this phase feeling better about themselves.

During menopause the sudden hormonal changes that women face cause them to experience symptoms such as hot flashes that suddenly appear, the skin becomes dry, the metabolism slows down a lot and there is a greater accumulation of fat in the belly region and, therefore, therefore, it is very important to know what to eat to ensure physical and emotional well-being.

Take a look at the following video to find out how eating can help you overcome heat, insomnia and headaches at this stage of life:

What to eat during menopause

During menopause it is advised that women give preference to:

  • Citrus fruits, as they are rich in vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system and is good for the skin; Foods rich in vitamin E, as they improve the appearance of the skin in general, leaving it more hydrated; Whole foods, such as brown rice, brown pasta and always use whole wheat flour; Fish, like tuna and salmon, but in small quantities, as they contain a lot of fat; Flaxseed can be indicated to improve intestinal transit and control cholesterol; Drink at least 2 liters of water a day, in addition to consuming fruit juice and milk; Calcium-rich foods to help strengthen bones; Use olive oil to season salads, it helps to fight heart disease; Oats, because it calms the nerves, reduces hot flashes and depression; Soy, is similar to beans and contains a structure similar to the hormones that are no longer produced by the ovaries. It can be found in the form of a food supplement; Prefer light dairy products, as they contain good doses of calcium, but contain less fat than whole grains; Linden, chamomile or lemon balm tea with stevia or sugar-free sweetener to calm nerves and sleep better.

What not to eat in menopause

Knowing what not to eat during menopause is also important to avoid its symptoms and to prevent the accumulation of fat in the belly, typical of this phase. At menopause, the consumption of:

  • Spicy dishes; Acidic foods, such as honey, mussels, oysters, shrimp, red meat, eggs and canned fish; Coffee or caffeinated drinks, like hot chocolate or mate, for example; Alcoholic beverages in general, including wine; Sweets in general; Industrialized foods. Prefer homemade and organic ones; Red or fatty meats, such as salmon, for example; Whole milk and yellow cheeses; Ham, ham, sausages, bacon; Fried foods, puff pastry and snacks in general; Foods rich in saturated fat, such as butter, sausage, hamburgers, nuggets and seasoning broths.

To decrease the accumulation of fat in the belly region, it is recommended to practice some type of physical exercise with some intensity, on a regular basis, and to decrease the intake of fats. Even if the woman has eaten a balanced diet throughout her life, the chances of accumulating abdominal fat are high and, therefore, she should redouble the care with food, giving preference to whole foods, fruits, cooked lean meats or grilled without added oil or oil and eat low-carb vegetables daily.

Watch the following video and check what you should or should not eat, so as not to get fat during menopause:

Menopause menu

The menopause menu must respect the guidelines mentioned above, but it can be very varied. Consult a nutritionist to have a personalized. Here is an example:


1 cup of soy milk

1 slice of wholemeal bread drizzled with extra virgin olive oil

1 seasonal fruit (preferably)

Morning snack 1 seasonal fruit (preferably)

Vegetables cooked in salted water

2 tablespoons brown rice

1 fillet of cooked fish

1 bowl of light gelatin

Afternoon snack

1 jar of light yogurt

1/2 tablespoon of oats


Raw salad drizzled with extra virgin olive oil

1 grilled chicken breast steak

1 serving spoon of wholegrain pasta with homemade tomato sauce

1 tablespoon of flaxseed


Soothing chamomile or linden tea

2 cream crackers or cornstarch cookies

The oil added per day, mentioned throughout the diet, should not exceed 2 tablespoons, being a good fat, but it is still fat and fattening fat.

It is recommended to drink water 40 minutes before or after meals and if you want to snack between meals, prefer 1 fruit or have a tea without sugar.

Diet to fight menopausal symptoms