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Tests that confirm diabetes


Diabetes is confirmed by checking the results of several laboratory tests that assess the amount of glucose circulating in the blood: the fasting blood glucose test, the capillary blood glucose test, the glucose tolerance test (TOTG) and the examination of glycated hemoglobin.

Tests that measure the amount of glucose in your blood are ordered by your doctor when you have someone in your family with diabetes or when you have symptoms characteristic of the disease, such as constant thirst, frequent urge to urinate or weight loss for no apparent reason, please. However, these tests can be ordered without the risk of diabetes, just for the doctor to check the person's general health. Learn to recognize the symptoms of diabetes.

Reference values

Normal blood glucose values ​​vary according to the type of test and may also vary according to the laboratory due to the analysis technique. In general, the values ​​of the tests for diabetes are indicated in the following table:

Exam Result Diagnosis

Fasting glucose (glucose)

Less than 99 mg / dl Normal
Between 100 and 125 mg / dL Pre-diabetes
Greater than 126 mg / dL Diabetes

Capillary blood glucose test

Less than 200 mg / dL Normal
Greater than 200 mg / dL Diabetes

Glycated Hemoglobin

Less than 5.7% Normal
Greater than 6.5% Diabetes
Glucose Tolerance Test (TOTG) Less than 140 mg / dl Normal
Greater than 200 mg / dl Diabetes

Through the results of these tests, the doctor is able to identify pre-diabetes and diabetes and, thus, indicate the best treatment for the person in order to avoid complications related to the disease, such as ketoacidosis and retinopathy, for example.

To find out now your risk of developing this disease, answer the following test:

  • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Know your risk of developing diabetes

Start the test

  • Male Female

  • Less than 40 years old Between 40 and 50 years old Between 50 and 60 years oldMore than 60 years old

Height: m

Weight: kg

  • Larger than 102 cmBetween 94 and 102 cmLower than 94 cm

High pressure:
  • Yes No

Do you do physical activity?
  • Two times a weekLess than twice a week

Do you have relatives with diabetes?
  • NoYes, 1st degree relatives: parents and / or siblingsYes, 2nd degree relatives: grandparents and / or uncles

Top Tests for Diabetes

1. Fasting glucose test

This exam is the most requested by the doctor and the analysis is made from the collection of a fasting blood sample of at least 8 hours or according to the doctor's recommendation. In case the value is above the reference value, the doctor may request other tests, mainly the glycated hemoglobin test, which indicates the average amount of glucose in the three months prior to the test. In this way, the doctor can assess whether the person is at risk or has the disease.

In the event that the result of the fasting blood glucose test indicates pre-diabetes, changes in lifestyle are necessary, such as changing the diet and practicing physical activity to prevent the onset of the disease. However, when the diagnosis of the disease is confirmed, in addition to changes in lifestyle, it is also necessary to take medication and, in some cases, insulin.

Find out what food for pre-diabetes should be like.

2. Glucose Tolerance Test (TOTG)

The glucose tolerance test, also known as examining the glycemic curve, is done with the aim of assessing the functioning of the organism in the face of various concentrations of glucose. For this, three measurements of blood glucose are made: the first is performed on an empty stomach, the second 1 hour after ingesting the sugary drink, the dextrosol or garapa, and the third 2 hours after the first measurement.

In some cases, 4 blood samples can be taken until 2 hours of drinking are completed, with blood samples taken 30, 60, 90 and 120 minutes after the consumption of the sugary drink.

This exam is important to help in the diagnosis of diabetes, pre-diabetes, insulin resistance and pancreatic changes, in addition, it is highly requested in the investigation of gestational diabetes.

3. Capillary blood glucose test

The capillary blood glucose test is the finger prick test, which is done through the rapid glucose measuring machine, which can be found in pharmacies and gives the result on the spot. There is no need to fast for this test and it can be done at any time of the day. This test is mostly used by people who already have a diagnosis of pre-diabetes or diabetes in order to control glucose levels throughout the day.

4. Glycated hemoglobin test

The test for glycated hemoglobin or glycosylated hemoglobin is done by collecting a fasting blood sample and provides information on the amount of glucose circulating in the blood in the last 3 months before the test. This is because the circulating glucose in the blood binds to hemoglobin and remains bound until the lifespan of the red blood cell ends, which is 120 days.

Glycated hemoglobin can also be used to assess the improvement or worsening of the disease, and the higher the value, the greater its severity and the risk of complications. Understand what it is for and how to understand the result of the glycated hemoglobin test.

Who should take these exams

It is advised that all people who show symptoms of diabetes should have tests to confirm the disease, as well as pregnant women, to prevent complications related to excess blood sugar during pregnancy. In addition, people who are losing a lot of weight for no apparent reason, especially children and adolescents, also need to have blood glucose tests to diagnose the possibility of type 1 diabetes.

Finally, it is important to remember that all diabetics should be tested regularly to have better control of the disease. Watch the following video to learn how to identify the symptoms and how to treat diabetes:

Tests that confirm diabetes