Home Symptoms Best exercises for knee arthrosis

Best exercises for knee arthrosis


The best exercises in case of knee arthrosis are those that strengthen the muscles of the front of the thigh, as well as the lateral and internal part, because that way the muscles become strong and reduce the overload of the knees.

The exercises must be performed every day, with repetition series of 3 x 20. That is, each exercise must be performed 20 times and then there is a 15-second rest. Then, 2 more sets should be performed like this.

The exercises must be prescribed by the physiotherapist, individually, but some shown in this video:

Arthrosis is a degeneration of the joint that causes pain and discomfort, and although there is no cure, there can be a great improvement in symptoms with physical therapy, in addition to the medications indicated by the doctor. Other measures that can help in the success of the treatment are changes in daily life, such as losing weight, avoiding efforts, preferring to wear sneakers or shoes that are very comfortable than walking in slippers or barefoot, for example.

These simple attitudes decrease the pressure on the knees, reducing the pain, but in addition, eating anti-inflammatory foods such as sardines, flaxseeds, garlic and citrus fruits are also a great way to naturally treat the inflammation that is present in case of osteoarthritis.

Pilates exercises for knee arthrosis

Pilates exercises for knee arthrosis must be guided by a physical therapist with specific knowledge of the technique. There are several Pilates exercises that can be used in the treatment of osteoarthritis and its application will depend on the degree of the injury and the symptoms presented by the individual. Some examples of Pilates exercises for knees are:

Raise the trunk supported on the ball

Raise the pelvis as high as you can

Recommended physical activity

The most recommended physical exercises for those suffering from knee arthrosis are light walking, with running shoes, cycling, hydrotherapy or water aerobics, but the doctor or physiotherapist may indicate the best exercise in your specific case, as there may be variations according to the severity of the injury presented.

Exercises are great for treating knee arthrosis, as they help strengthen leg muscles, increase bone density and decrease pain. It is important to strengthen the muscles that form the quadriceps in case of osteoarthritis in the knee, as they control the impact of the foot on the floor, reducing the degeneration of the knee joints and decreasing the need for surgery.

When the individual does not feel any more pain in the knees, the exercises may reach a stronger level and the physiotherapist may indicate an evaluation with a good physical trainer, as weight training can help prevent future injuries.

Exercises advised against

Not all types of physical activity are indicated for those who have knee arthrosis, some examples that are not recommended are running, jumping, step and martial fights, for example. These are not recommended, as they can have a great impact on the knees, which can increase the injury, aggravating the disease and increasing the need for surgery.

In addition to exercises, to control knee pain and improve the person's quality of life, it is necessary to invest in other forms of treatments that include food, use of medicines and alternative therapies, for example. See 5 treatment options for osteoarthritis and learn how to get rid of pain.

Best exercises for knee arthrosis