Home Symptoms Trigger finger exercises

Trigger finger exercises


Trigger finger exercises, which occur when the finger bends suddenly, serve to strengthen the extensor muscles of the hand, especially the affected finger, contrary to the natural movement that the trigger finger does.

These exercises are important because normally the flexor muscles, responsible for bending the fingers, become stronger, while the extensors become weaker, causing a muscle imbalance.

Before these exercises, a massage of the affected joint can be done to facilitate the blood flow and help lubricate the joint, preparing it for the exercises by gently rubbing the entire joint through circular movements for 2 to 3 minutes.

1. Exercise 1

Place the hand with the affected finger on a flat surface and lift the affected finger as far as possible, keeping the stretch in this position for 30 seconds, as shown in the image. The exercise should be repeated 3 to 5 times.

2. Exercise 2

Place a rubber band around the fingers and then force the fingers to open the hand, stretching the band. Then, slowly return to the starting position and repeat this exercise about 10 to 15 times.

3. Exercise 3

Place a clay under your hand and try to stretch it, keeping your fingers straight, as shown in the image, repeating the same exercise for about 2 minutes.

All exercises should be performed slowly and when the individual begins to experience pain, they should stop. In addition, to relieve hand stiffness, warm tendons and help to stretch your finger, you can place your hand in a basin with warm water.

How the treatment is done

In addition to the exercises, there are other ways to treat the trigger finger, when it comes to a mild problem, such as physiotherapy, massages, applying hot compresses and using anti-inflammatory ointments.

In more severe cases, it may be necessary to resort to an injection of cortisone or even surgery. Learn more about treatment.

Trigger finger exercises