Home Symptoms Exercises to treat a meniscus injury

Exercises to treat a meniscus injury


In order to recover the meniscus, it is important to undergo physical therapy, which must be personally indicated by a physical therapist. Electronic exercises and equipment are indicated to help relieve pain, reduce swelling, in addition to specific physiotherapy techniques to increase knee mobility and increase the range of motion of this joint.

Some options for physical therapy exercises that can be indicated for meniscus recovery are:

  1. Bend and stretch your leg while lying on your back: 3 sets of 60 times; Support your own body weight, gently supporting your body weight on the affected leg, with the aid of crutches or using the back of a cedar tree; gently patella from side to side and from top to bottom; about 5 minutes of thigh massage per day; contract the thigh muscle with the leg stretched, 20 times in a row; exercises in the pool like walking in the water for 5 10 minutes; Balance exercises initially with nothing and then with one foot on a half-empty ball, for example; Exercises for legs with elastic bands and then with weights, in 3 sets of 20 repetitions; 15 minutes on a stationary bike; Mini squats to the limit of pain, in 3 sets of 20 repetitions; Stretches for legs to increase flexibility.

After about 2 months of treatment, the person's need should be checked and if there is still local pain or limited movement in order to adjust the treatment.

When the person no longer feels pain, but is unable to bend the knee completely, exercises should have this objective. A good exercise is to do squats, increasing the degree of knee flexion, the goal may be to try to squat as much as possible, until you can sit on your heels.

At the end of each session it may be useful to place an ice pack on your knee for 15 minutes to deflate the area or prevent it from swelling. Proprioceptive exercises are also indicated at the end of the treatment, when the person is closer to healing.

Other exercises

In this video, despite always talking about osteoarthritis, the same exercises can be used to strengthen the thighs and legs in case of meniscal injury:

Other physiotherapy treatments

Electrotherapy devices can also be indicated for pain relief and facilitate healing, leaving the physiotherapist the most correct choice. Voltages, ultrasound, laser, microcurrents or others can be used. Usually the sessions are divided so that there is time for passive knee mobilization, other techniques of manual therapy, and exercises.

Exercises can also be performed inside a pool with warm water, known as hydrokinesiotherapy. These are especially indicated when the person is overweight, because in the water it is easier to perform the exercises properly, without pain.

Recovery time

The treatment time varies from one person to another and your general health status and whether you can perform physical therapy daily or not, however a good recovery is expected in about 4 to 5 months, but many people need about 6 months to recover completely.

When treatment with physiotherapy is not enough to eliminate pain, and the person is able to carry out their daily activities normally, it may be indicated to have surgery to remove the meniscus, for example. Learn more about meniscus surgery here.

Exercises to treat a meniscus injury