Home Symptoms Hypertrophy menu for those who are fake skinny

Hypertrophy menu for those who are fake skinny


In order to have hypertrophy and at the same time lose fat, the fake skinny must have a balanced diet rich in proteins and good fats, which are found in foods such as avocado, coconut, nuts and peanuts. Proteins, present mainly in meats, chicken, eggs and cheeses, must be included in all meals of the day, in order to increase muscle mass gain.

The fake skinny is characterized by an individual with normal weight for height, but excess body fat and low levels of muscle mass, which leads to increased chances of having problems such as high cholesterol, diabetes and liver fat. In addition, despite being thin, it is common to have an excess of belly and flabby body, due to increased fat and reduced muscle mass. See How to know the ideal amount of body fat.

How to increase muscle mass

To increase muscle mass, the fake skinny must practice physical activity daily, especially strength training such as weight training and crossfit, as they are the ones that most stimulate hypertrophy and muscle strengthening.

In addition, it is important to consume foods rich in proteins and natural fats in all meals of the day, including snacks, as this favors muscle recovery and an increase in lean body mass. Thus, good options are to include cheese and eggs in snacks, and always consume good amounts of meat, fish or chicken for lunch and dinner.

It is also important to remember that adequate consumption of fruits and vegetables is necessary for the proper functioning of the body and to provide vitamins and minerals that will allow muscle growth.

How to decrease fat

In order to reduce fat without losing weight and become very thin, the individual who is fake thin should opt for a diet with a little less carbohydrate and more good fats and proteins. This stimulates the burning of fat by metabolism, while allowing the gain of muscle mass.

Foods rich in good fats are nuts, peanuts, seeds, avocado, coconut and olive oil, and should be eaten together with foods rich in carbohydrates or proteins in snacks, using combinations such as: fruit + nuts, bread + peanut butter, avocado vitamin and yogurt + seed and chia. See 5 tips to lose belly fat.

Diet menu for fake skinny

The following table shows an example of a 3-day menu for the skinny guy to gain muscle mass and lose weight.

Meal Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
Breakfast 1 cup of coffee with milk + 2 slices of brown bread + 1 egg + cheese 1 yogurt + 1 tapioca with chicken and cheese 1 cup of cocoa milk + 2 scrambled eggs + 1 fruit
Morning snack 1 apple + 10 chestnuts 1 glass of sugar-free juice + 20 peanuts 1 mashed banana + 1 tablespoon peanut butter
Lunch dinner 5 col of rice soup + 2 col of bean soup + 1 medium steak + green salad + 2 kiwis chicken pasta in tomato sauce + sauteed vegetables with olive oil + 1 orange grilled fish + boiled potatoes + 3 col of rice soup + 2 col of beans + braised cabbage + 2 slices of pineapple
Afternoon snack yogurt with chia + 1 tapioca with egg banana smoothie with 1 col of peanut butter + 2 col of oats 1 cup of coffee with milk + 2 slices of brown bread + 1 egg + cheese

It is important to remember that the ideal is that the quantities and distribution of food should be guided by a nutritionist, according to the needs of each individual. Know what to eat before, during and after training to gain muscle mass.

How to spot a fake skinny

To identify a fake skinny, it is necessary to go to the doctor or nutritionist to make an assessment of body composition, using tests such as counting skin fat folds in the body or bioimpedance, which assess the amount of fat and muscle mass in the body.

It is also important to have blood tests to identify if there are any changes in the functioning of the body, such as high cholesterol, high triglycerides, altered blood glucose or liver problems.

Watch the video below and see more tips from our nutritionist to accelerate muscle mass gain.

Hypertrophy menu for those who are fake skinny