Home Symptoms Necrotizing fasciitis: what it is, symptoms and treatment

Necrotizing fasciitis: what it is, symptoms and treatment


Necrotizing fasciitis is a rare and serious bacterial infection characterized by inflammation and death of the tissue that is under the skin and involves the muscles, nerves and blood vessels, called the fascia. This infection occurs mainly by group A Streptococcus bacteria, being more frequent due to Streptococcus pyogenes.

The bacterium is able to spread quickly, causing symptoms that have a very fast evolution, such as fever, appearance of red and swollen region on the skin and that evolves to ulcers and darkening of the region. Therefore, in the presence of any indicative sign of necrotizing fasciitis, it is important to go to the hospital to start treatment and thus avoid complications.

Symptoms of Necrotizing fasciitis

The bacteria can enter the body through openings in the skin, whether due to injections, use of drugs applied to the vein, burns and cuts. From the moment the bacteria can enter the body, spread quickly, leading to the appearance of symptoms that progress fast, the main ones being:

  • Appearance of a red or swollen region on the skin that increases over time; Severe pain in the red and swollen region, which can also be noticed in other parts of the body; Fever; Emergence of ulcers and blisters; Darkening of the region; Diarrhea; Nausea; Presence of pus in the wound.

The evolution of signs and symptoms indicates that the bacteria is multiplying and causing the death of the tissue, called necrosis. Therefore, if any sign is perceived that may indicate necrotizing fasciitis, it is important to go to the hospital to make the diagnosis and start treatment.

Although group A Streptococcus can be found naturally in the body, necrotizing fasciitis does not happen in everyone. This infection is more common in diabetics, people with chronic or malignant diseases, over the age of 60, obesity, who use immunosuppressive drugs or who have vascular diseases.

Learn more about group A Streptococcus.

Possible complications

Complications of necrotizing fasciitis happen when the infection is not identified and treated with antibiotics. Thus, there may be sepsis and organ failure, as the bacteria can reach other organs and develop there. In addition, due to the death of the tissue, there may also be a need to remove the affected limb, in order to prevent the spread of the bacteria and the occurrence of other infections.

How the diagnosis is made

The diagnosis of necrotizing fasciitis is made by observing the signs and symptoms presented by the person, in addition to the results of laboratory tests. Blood and imaging tests are usually requested to observe the affected region, in addition to tissue biopsy, which is important to identify the presence of the bacteria in the area. Understand what the biopsy is and how it is done.

Despite being advised that treatment with antibiotics should only be started after the result of complementary exams, in the case of necrotizing fasciitis, treatment should be done as soon as possible due to the severe and rapid evolution of the disease.

How to treat

The treatment of necrotizing fasciitis should be done at the hospital, and it is recommended that the person remain in isolation for a few weeks so that there is no risk of transmitting the bacteria to other people.

The treatment is done with the use of antibiotics intravenously (in the vein) to fight the infection. However, when the infection is more advanced and there are signs of necrosis, surgery to remove the tissue and thus fight the infection may be indicated.

Necrotizing fasciitis: what it is, symptoms and treatment