Home Symptoms Does internal fever really exist? know its causes and know what to do

Does internal fever really exist? know its causes and know what to do


In case of 'internal fever' the person feels very hot but the thermometer does not show this rise in temperature. The most common is that the person has the same symptoms that he has in the case of a real fever, such as malaise, chills and cold sweat, but the thermometer remains at 36 to 37ºC, which does not indicate fever.

Although the person complains that the body feels very hot, in fact, 'internal fever' does not exist, it is just a popular way for people to express that they present the same symptoms that are present in a common fever, but without the elevation of temperature can be felt in the palm of the hand, nor proven by the thermometer.

Common fever symptoms

In a common fever, in addition to raising the temperature above 37.5ºC, symptoms such as:

  • Sensation of heat; Cold sweat; Chills or chills throughout the day; Malaise; Headache; Tiredness; Lack of energy.

However, in the case of internal fever, although all these symptoms are present, there is no rise in temperature that can be measured.

Learn how to use the thermometer correctly to find out if you have a fever.

What is fever

Fever is the body's response to fight harmful microorganisms by increasing the temperature, being a natural reaction in case of infections caused by viruses, fungi, bacteria or parasites. Thus, fever is not a disease, it is just a symptom that appears associated with many types of diseases and infections.

Fever is only really harmful when it is above 40ºC, which can happen quickly, especially in babies and children, and cause seizures.

Fever down to 38ºC, is considered a fever, a rise in temperature, or simply a feverish state, not being very serious, just indicating that you need to be alert and take off your clothes to try to cool your body to the normal temperature of 36ºC. Fever above 38.5ºC may indicate the need to take a medicine to lower the fever, in addition to other natural methods to normalize body temperature.

The 'thermostat' that controls body temperature is the hypothalamus, which is very sensitive to any change in temperature. It makes the body produce more heat, which is dissipated into the environment, through the skin, so whenever there is a real rise in temperature, the thermometer is able to indicate. Thus, it can be concluded that internal fever does not exist.

What to do in case of 'internal fever'

When you think you have an 'internal fever' you should take a warm shower and lie down to rest. Often the cause of this sensation of fever is stress and anxiety attacks, which can also cause shaking throughout the body.

Here are 7 ways to control anxiety naturally.

It is only recommended to take some medicine to lower the fever, such as Paracetamol or Ibuprofen, under medical guidance and when the thermometer records at least 38.5ºC. As in the case of internal fever, the thermometer does not show this temperature, you should not take any medicine to try to fight a fever that does not exist. So, if necessary, you should just remove the excess clothes and take a bath with hot water, to try to lower your body temperature and relieve discomfort.

If symptoms persist, you should go to the doctor for a physical exam to find out what may be happening. In addition to blood and urine tests, the doctor may also order a chest X-ray, for example to check if there are any lung changes that may be causing this sensation of fever.

What can cause internal fever

Emotional causes, such as stress and anxiety attacks, and women's ovulation during the fertile period are the main causes of internal fever. However, the person may also feel that they have a fever after exercising or some kind of physical effort, such as carrying heavy bags or climbing a flight of stairs. In this case, the temperature usually returns to normal after a few minutes of rest.

At the beginning of a cold or flu, malaise, tiredness and a feeling of heaviness in the body are frequent, and sometimes, people refer to the sensation of internal fever. In this case, taking a home remedy, like ginger tea, very warm, can be a good way to feel better.

When to go to the doctor

It is advisable to seek medical help when, in addition to the sensation of internal fever, you have other symptoms such as:

  • Sneezing, coughing; Vomiting, diarrhea; Sores in the mouth; Rapid rise in temperature to above 39ºC; Fainting or decreased attention; Bleeding from the nose, anus or vagina, with no apparent explanation.

In this case, it is still important to tell the doctor all the symptoms you have, when they appeared, if something changed in your diet or if you were in another country, for example. If there is pain, it is still advisable to explain where the body is affected, when it started and if the intensity has been constant.

With this information, the doctor will be able to suspect a disease and request tests, if necessary, indicating the most appropriate treatment.

Does internal fever really exist? know its causes and know what to do