Home Symptoms Glucomannan: what is it for and how to take it

Glucomannan: what is it for and how to take it


Glucomannan or glucomannan is a polysaccharide, that is, it is a non-digestible vegetable fiber, soluble in water and is extracted from Konjac root, which is a medicinal plant scientifically called Amorphophallus konjac , widely consumed in Japan and China.

This fiber is a natural appetite suppressant because together with water it forms a gel in the digestive system that delays gastric emptying, being excellent for fighting hunger and emptying the intestine, decreasing abdominal bloating and thus improving constipation. Glucomannan is sold as a nutritional supplement in health food stores, some pharmacies and on the internet in powder or capsule form.

What is it for

Glucomannan serves to help you lose weight because it is rich in soluble fibers, providing several health benefits and can be used for several purposes:

  • Promote the feeling of satiety, as this fiber slows gastric emptying and intestinal transit, helping to control hunger. Some studies indicate that this effect may favor weight loss; Regulate the metabolism of fats, helping to reduce the levels of free fatty acids and cholesterol in the blood. For that reason, the consumption of glucomannan can help to reduce the risk of heart disease; Regulate intestinal transit, as it favors the increase in the volume of feces and promotes the growth of the intestinal microbiota, since it exerts a prebiotic effect, helping to combat constipation; Help to control blood sugar levels, being beneficial in controlling diabetes; Promote anti-inflammatory effect in the body. Ingestion of glucomannan can decrease the production of pro-inflammatory substances, especially in atopic dermatitis and allergic rhinitis, however further studies are needed to prove this effect; Increase the bioavailability and absorption of minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc; Prevent colorectal cancer, since it is rich in soluble fibers that act as a prebiotic, maintaining bacterial flora and protecting the intestine.

In addition, glucomannan can also improve inflammatory bowel diseases, such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease, since apparently the intake of this soluble fiber helps to fight pathogenic microorganisms, stimulates the healing of the intestine, regulates the functioning of the immune system and improves the ability to generate a systemic immune response.

How to take

To use glucomannan it is important to read the indications on the label, the amount to be taken varies according to the amount of fiber that the product presents.

It is usually indicated to take 500 mg to 2 g per day, in two separate doses, together with 2 glasses of water at home, because water is essential for the action of the fibers. The best time to take this fiber is 30 to 60 minutes before main meals. The maximum dose is 4 grams per day. The use of dietary supplements must be accompanied by a health professional such as the doctor or nutritionist.

Side effects and contraindications

When not enough water is taken, the fecal cake can become very dry and hard, causing severe constipation, and even intestinal obstruction, a very serious situation, which should be reviewed immediately, but to avoid this complication, take each capsule with 2 large glasses of water.

Glucomannan capsules should not be taken at the same time as any other medication, as it may impair its absorption. Nor should they be taken by children, during pregnancy, lactation, and in case of obstruction of the esophagus.

Glucomannan: what is it for and how to take it