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Find out how many diapers to buy for each size


The newborn usually needs 7 disposable diapers per day, that is, about 200 diapers per month, which must be changed whenever they are soiled with pee or poop. However, the amount of diapers depends on the absorption capacity of the diaper and whether the baby pee a lot or a little.

Usually the baby urinates after breastfeeding and after each meal and therefore it is necessary to change the diaper after the baby is fed, but if the amount of urine is small and if the diaper has a good storage capacity, it is possible to wait a little to save in diapers, but after the baby evacuates it is necessary to change the diaper immediately because the poop can cause rash very quickly.

As the baby grows, the number of diapers needed per day decreases and the size of the diapers must also be appropriate for the child's weight and therefore at the time of purchase it is important to read on the diaper packaging for what body weight it is indicated.

Choose what you want to calculate: Number of diapers for a period or To order at baby shower:

How many diapers to take to the hospital

Parents should take at least 2 packages with 15 diapers in the newborn size for maternity and when the baby is over 3.5 kg he can already use size P.

Quantity of diaper size P

The number of diapers size P are for babies weighing 3.5 and 5 kg, and at this stage he should still use about 7 to 8 diapers a day, so in a month he will need about 220 diapers.

Quantity of diaper size M

Size M diapers are for babies weighing 5 to 9 kg, and if your baby is about 5 months old, the number of diapers daily starts to decrease a little, so if 7 diapers were needed, he should now need 6 diapers and so on. Thus, the number of diapers needed per month is approximately 180.

Quantity of diaper size G and GG

Size G diapers are for babies weighing 9 to 12 kg and GG are for children over 12 kg. At this stage, you usually need about 5 diapers a day, which is about 150 diapers a month.

Thus, if the baby is born with 3.5 kg and has an adequate weight gain, he should use:

Newborn up to 2 months 220 diapers per month
3 to 8 months 180 diapers per month
9 to 24 months 150 diapers per month

A good way to save money and not buy such a large amount of disposable diapers is to buy the new models of cloth diapers, which are ecological, resistant and cause less allergies and diaper rashes on the baby's skin. See Why use cloth diapers?

How many diaper packs to order at baby shower

The number of diaper packs you can order at the baby shower varies depending on the number of guests who will be attending.

The most sensible thing is to order a larger number of diapers size M and G because these are the sizes that will be used for the longest time, however, it is also important to order 2 or 3 packs in the newborn size unless the baby already has one estimated weight over 3.5 kg.

The exact number of diapers depends on the manufacturer's brand and the baby's growth rate, but here is an example that can be useful:

No. of guests Sizes to order

RN: 2

Q: 2

M: 2


RN: 2

Q: 2

M: 3

G: 1


RN: 2

P: 5

M: 6

G: 2


RN: 2

Q: 10

M: 10

G: 3

In the case of twins, the number of diapers should always be doubled and if the baby is born pre-mature or weighing less than 3.5 kg he can use the newborn size RN or the diapers suitable for premature babies that can only be bought in pharmacies.

Warning signs

You should be alert if the baby has diaper rash or if the skin on the genital area is reddish because that area is very sensitive. To avoid diaper rash it is important to avoid the contact of pee and poop with the baby's skin and that is why it is advisable to change the diaper more frequently, apply ointment against diaper rash and keep the baby properly hydrated because the highly concentrated urine becomes more acidic and increases the risk of diaper rash.

How to know if your baby is well hydrated

The diaper test is an excellent way to know if your baby is eating well, so pay attention to the number and number of diapers you change throughout the day. The baby should not spend more than 4 hours in the same diaper, so be suspicious if he stays longer with the diaper dry.

The baby is well fed whenever he is alert and active, otherwise he may be dehydrated and this indicates that he is not breastfeeding enough. In this case, increase the number of times the breast offers, in the case of a bottle, offer water as well.

The baby should pee between six and eight times a day and the urine should be clear and diluted. The use of cloth diapers facilitates this assessment. With regard to bowel movements, hard and dry stools may indicate that the amount of milk ingested is not being sufficient.

Find out how many diapers to buy for each size