Home Symptoms Food hygiene: what it is and how it should be done

Food hygiene: what it is and how it should be done


Food hygiene concerns the care related to the handling, preparation and storage of food in order to reduce the risk of contamination and the occurrence of diseases, such as food poisoning, for example.

Thus, it is important to wash your hands well before handling food, locking your hair and avoid wearing rings and watches, for example, when preparing them, as this avoids contamination of food and people.

How to avoid contamination

Food hygiene takes into account the shelf life of the food, storage conditions, time of consumption and ways of handling the food. In this way, it is possible to avoid any contamination and preserve people's well-being. For this it is recommended:

  • Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before preparing food; Avoid using wooden utensils in food preparation, as this type of material favors the proliferation of microorganisms; When preparing food, tie your hair and do not use rings, bracelets, earrings and watches, for example; Pay attention to personal hygiene, shaving regularly and keeping nails short and clean; Avoid wearing makeup when preparing food; Keep the sink and kitchen clean, preventing the proliferation of fungi and bacteria; Wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly before storing them and before they are consumed. Find out how food disinfection should be; Store food at the correct temperature to prevent the proliferation of microorganisms. See how the refrigerator should be organized to avoid contamination.

It is also recommended to avoid consuming street food, as most of the time the hygiene conditions are not adequate, which can favor the occurrence of diseases, especially food poisoning. In the case of street food, consumption is only recommended when the source of the food is known.

It is also important to wash the eggshells before breaking them, to avoid possible contamination with the bacteria Salmonella sp ., And to avoid letting the meat thaw out of the refrigerator.

What can happen when there is no food hygiene?

If hygiene care is not implemented on a day-to-day basis, the risk of contamination and disease is very high, which can cause food poisoning, for example, which can be perceived by malaise, nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, fever, loss of appetite and cramps, for example. Know how to recognize the symptoms of food poisoning.

In the absence of food hygiene, the risk of infection by viruses, bacteria and parasites is very high and can interfere with the person's quality of life.

Food hygiene: what it is and how it should be done