Home Bulls Lamotrigine (lamictal)

Lamotrigine (lamictal)


Lamotrigine is an anti-epileptic and anticonvulsant remedy that is widely used in the treatment of seizures and can be used in children over 12 years old.

Lamotrigine can be sold in conventional pharmacies under the trade name Lamictal, Lamitor, Neural or Neurium, with a prescription and in the form of pills.

Lamotrigine Price

The price of lamotrigine is approximately 30 reais, however, it can vary according to the amount of product and dosage.

Lamotrigine Indications

Lamotrigine is indicated for the treatment of partial and generalized seizures, including tonic-clonic seizures.

Directions for use of Lamotrigine

The mode of use of lamotrigine, as monotherapy, consists of ingesting 25 mg per day for 2 weeks and 50 mg daily for weeks 3 and 4, followed by a maintenance dose of 100 to 200 mg.

Side Effects of Lamotrigine

The main effects of Lamotrigine include hives on the skin, irritability, headache, nausea, insomnia, dizziness, tremors, blurred vision and excessive tiredness.

Contraindications for Lamotrigine

Lamotrigine is contraindicated for patients with hypersensitivity to lamotrigine or any other component of the formula.

Lamotrigine (lamictal)