Home Bulls Nicergolina



Nicergoline is the active substance in a cerebral vasodilator medicine known commercially as Sermion.

This medication for oral use is indicated for cerebral arteriosclerosis and for thrombosis.

Indications of Nicergoline

Arteriopathy (organic and functional of the limbs); cerebral arteriosclerosis; cerebral embolism; transient cerebral ischemia; thrombosis.

Nicergoline Price

A box of 10 mg Nicergoline containing 20 pills costs approximately 33 reais, and the box of 20 mg medication containing 20 pills costs approximately 97 reais.

Side Effects of Nicergoline

Drop in blood pressure; gastric disorder; agitation; somnolence; insomnia; hyperactivity; warm feeling; redness of the skin.

Contraindications for Nicergoline

Pregnant or lactating women; hypersensitivity any component of the formula.

How to Use Nicergoline

Oral use


  • Administer 10 mg 3 times a day, one hour before or two hours after a meal.