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Why fast food is so bad


After eating fast foods, which are foods rich in simple carbohydrates, salt, fat and artificial preservatives, the body first goes into a state of ecstasy due to the effect of sugar on the brain, and then suffers more serious consequences such as hypertension, heart disease and obesity..

Fast foods are usually very high in calories, and may consist of foods such as sandwiches, hamburgers, pizzas, chips, milk shakes, nuggets and ice cream. In addition to the high calorie content that favors weight gain, here's what happens in the body within 1 hour after consuming fast food.

What happens 1h after eating fast food

The following data are examples of what happens after eating a Big Mac fast food hamburger.

10 minutes later: euphoria

Excess calories from food cause a sense of security in the brain, which was designed to think that the more calories you have to store, the more security you can give the body in times of crisis and food shortages. Thus, eating fast food initially has an effect of greater security and a sense of survival, but that will quickly pass.

20 minutes later: Peak blood glucose

Fast food breads are rich in fructose syrup, a type of sugar that quickly enters the bloodstream and raises blood glucose. This spike in blood sugar leads to the production of the neurotransmitter dopamine, responsible for giving a feeling of pleasure and well-being. This effect on the body is similar to that of drugs, and is one of the factors responsible for feeding frequent consumption of fast food.

30 minutes later: Peak pressure

All fast foods are usually very high in sodium, the component of salt that is responsible for raising blood pressure. About 30 minutes after eating a sandwich, the sodium will be in excess in the bloodstream and the kidneys will have to eliminate more water to reduce this excess.

However, this mandatory adjustment causes dehydration, which is often mistaken for hunger and a new desire to eat more fast food. If this cycle is repeated repeatedly, the problem of hypertension will certainly appear.

40 minutes later: Willingness to eat more

After about 40 minutes a new desire to eat appears, due to the uncontrolled blood sugar. Shortly after eating the sandwich, blood glucose rises and the body is forced to release hormones that cause blood sugar to drop in order to control the peak sugar that has occurred.

When blood sugar is always low, signals that indicate that the body is hungry are triggered, as its sugar levels need to be replenished with more food.

60 minutes: slow digestion

In general, the body takes 1 to 3 days to completely digest a meal. However, because it is rich in fat, preservatives and trans fats, fast food usually takes more than 3 days to be fully digested, and the trans fat contained in it can take up to 50 days to process. In addition, this type of fat is the most linked to heart problems, obesity, cancer and diabetes.

Other changes in the body

In addition to the effects right after eating fast food, other changes can occur in the long run, such as:

  • Weight gain due to excess calories; Tiredness due to excess carbohydrates; Increase in cholesterol, because it contains trans fats; Pimples on the face, because the increase in blood sugar favors the appearance of acne; Swelling, due to fluid retention that excess salt causes; Increased risk of cancer, due to the high content of trans fat and chemicals such as phthalate, which cause changes in cells;

Thus, it is clear that frequent consumption of fast food brings many health losses, it is important to improve eating habits and have a healthy life routine, with a balanced diet and physical activity. To find out more, see 7 goodies that easily spoil 1 hour of training.

Now, watch this video to lose weight and get rid of bad eating habits with good humor and without suffering:

Why fast food is so bad