Home Bulls Contractubex ointment for scar

Contractubex ointment for scar


Contractubex is a gel used to treat scars, which works by improving the quality of healing and preventing them from increasing in size and becoming elevated and irregular.

This gel can be obtained in pharmacies without a prescription and must be applied daily, for the period of time indicated by the doctor, avoiding sun exposure as much as possible.

How contractubex gel works

Contractubex is a combined product based on Cepalin, heparin and allantoin.

Cepalin has anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and antibacterial properties, which stimulate skin repair, preventing the formation of abnormal scars.

Heparin has anti-inflammatory, antiallergic and antiproliferative properties and in addition, it promotes hydration of the hardened tissue, causing relaxation of the scars.

Allantoin has healing, keratolytic, moisturizing and anti-irritating properties and also helps in the formation of skin tissue and reduces the itching associated with the formation of scars.

Also know some home remedies to improve the appearance of the scar.

How to use

The contractubex gel should be applied to the skin with the help of a massage, until completely absorbed, about twice a day, or as directed by the doctor. If the scar is old or hardened, the product can be applied using a protective gauze overnight.

In recent scars, the use of Contractubex should be started, 7 to 10 days after the removal of the surgical points, or according to medical advice.

Who should not use

Contractubex should not be used by people who are allergic to any of the components of the formula. In addition, it should also not be used by pregnant women without being instructed by the doctor.

During the treatment of recent scars, avoid sun exposure, exposure to intense cold or very strong massages.

Possible side effects

This product is generally well tolerated, however adverse reactions such as itching, erythema, spider veins or scar atrophy may appear.

Although it is even rarer, hyperpigmentation and skin atrophy can also occur.

Contractubex ointment for scar