Home Symptoms Pharyngitis: what it is, symptoms and treatment

Pharyngitis: what it is, symptoms and treatment


Pharyngitis corresponds to an inflammation in the throat that can be caused either by viruses, being called viral pharyngitis, or by bacteria, which is called bacterial pharyngitis. This inflammation causes an intense sore throat, making it very red, and in some cases there may be a fever and small painful sores may appear on the neck.

Treatment for pharyngitis should be indicated by the general practitioner or otorhinolaryngologist and is usually done using medications to reduce inflammation and relieve symptoms, or the use of antibiotics for about 10 days when the cause of the pharyngitis is bacterial.

During treatment it is important that the person be careful with their food, avoiding very hot or icy foods and should also avoid talking, as this can be annoying and generate a cough, which can worsen the symptoms. In addition, it is important that the person remains at rest and drinks plenty of fluids during the day.

Main symptoms

The main symptom of pharyngitis is pain in the throat and difficulty in swallowing, however other symptoms may appear, such as:

  • Redness and swelling in the throat; Difficulty swallowing; Fever; General malaise; Indisposition; Headache; Hoarseness.

In the case of bacterial pharyngitis, the fever may be higher, there may be an increase in lymph nodes and the presence of purulent secretion in the throat. Learn how to recognize the symptoms of bacterial pharyngitis.

As soon as the first symptoms of pharyngitis appear, it is important to consult the otorhinolaryngologist so that the diagnosis is made and appropriate treatment is started.

How is the diagnosis

The diagnosis of pharyngitis must be made by the general practitioner or otorhinolaryngologist through the evaluation of the signs and symptoms presented by the person, especially with regard to the characteristics of the person's throat. In addition, it is usually requested to perform a throat culture to check which microorganism may be causing pharyngitis and, therefore, the doctor can indicate the most appropriate treatment.

In addition, blood tests may be ordered to see if there are any changes that are suggestive of an increase in the severity of the disease, and this test is more frequently requested when white plaques are seen in the throat, as it is suggestive of bacterial infection and there are greater probability of proliferation, spread and worsening of the disease.

Causes of pharyngitis

The causes of pharyngitis are related to the microorganisms that cause it. In the case of viral pharyngitis, the viruses that cause it can be Rhinovirus, Coronavirus, Adenovirus, Influenza or Parainfluenza and that can happen as a consequence of a cold or flu, for example. Learn more about viral pharyngitis.

In relation to bacterial pharyngitis, the most frequent is streptococcal pharyngitis caused by the bacterium Streptococcus pyogenes , and it is important that it is identified quickly to avoid the appearance of complications.

How the treatment is done

The treatment of pharyngitis varies according to the symptoms and the cause, that is, whether viral or bacterial. However, regardless of the cause, it is important for the person to rest and drink plenty of fluids during treatment.

In the case of viral pharyngitis, the treatment indicated by the doctor usually consists of the use of analgesics and remedies for fever for 2 to 3 days. On the other hand, in the case of bacterial pharyngitis, treatment should be done with antibiotics, such as penicillin or amoxicillin, for 7 to 10 days, or according to the doctor's guidance. In the case of people who are allergic to penicillin and derivatives, the doctor may recommend the use of erythromycin.

Regardless of the type of pharyngitis, it is important that treatment is followed according to medical advice, even if symptoms have improved before the end of the recommended treatment.

Pharyngitis: what it is, symptoms and treatment