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Cracked tooth: causes, symptoms and treatment


The cracked tooth appears when a crack or crack is formed in the tooth, which can be caused by overtightening the teeth, as in cases of bruxism, or by forcing the jaw by biting on a hard object, such as a pencil, ice or bullet, for example. It may not cause symptoms, or cause from mild or very severe pain, which usually appears when chewing or drinking, and which varies according to the affected tooth region and extent of the lesion.

When cracked, the tooth does not regenerate on its own, and the treatment must be indicated by the dentist, depending on the severity of the crack formed, and some options are from restoring the tooth, repairing with specific materials or other dental treatments such as performing a crown, a canal or, ultimately, tooth extraction.

The molar tooth is usually more affected, as it undergoes a lot of pressure during chewing and jaw tightening, however, any tooth can be affected.

Main symptoms

If the lesion is superficial, reaching only the outer layer of the tooth, there may be no symptoms, however, when it reaches deeper parts, such as dentin or pulp, there may be sensitivity or even toothache. The pain of the cracked tooth can vary slightly, which arises from time to time, as well as being severe and arising whenever you chew or drink something.

The crack or crack in the tooth is not always visible, so in the presence of symptoms that indicate this problem, the dentist will be able to do the clinical examination and, if necessary, imaging tests such as the x-ray, which may see some larger cracks. It is necessary to see the dentist whenever the cracked tooth is suspected, because if it remains untreated, in some cases,

What to do

To treat the cracked tooth, it is necessary to consult with the dentist, and there are some treatment options, which include:

  • Regular follow-up as a dentist, if it is a very superficial crack and that does not cause symptoms; Repair the tooth, with a repair treatment that includes the use of a dental adhesive or a special resin to restore the tooth; Make a dental crown, to reinforce the weakened tooth; make a root canal to remove the pulp if it is affected; remove the tooth, in the last case, when the root is very compromised.

Treatment can be indicated even if it is a baby tooth, as the cracked tooth facilitates infection by caries or bacterial plaque formation, and one should avoid maintaining this type of injury for a long time, especially when it reaches deep parts at the root of the tooth. Find out what the dangers of tooth decay are and how to treat it.

What are the causes

The main cause of cracked teeth is the pressure caused by the tooth in cases of bruxism, the habit of clenching teeth or when biting hard objects, such as ice or bullets. In addition, the blow to the mouth, caused in accidents, is also one of the causes of cracking teeth, so it should be remembered whenever persistent toothache appears after this type of situation.

In some cases, knocking the tooth can break it completely, and specific treatments are also required. Know what to do in case of broken tooth.

Cracked tooth: causes, symptoms and treatment