Home Bulls What to do in case of rectal prolapse

What to do in case of rectal prolapse


What should be done in case of rectal prolapse is to go quickly to the hospital to confirm the diagnosis and start the most appropriate treatment, which often includes the use of surgery, especially in adults.

However, as the prolapse can cause discomfort, before going to the hospital you can:

  1. Try to gently push the outer part of the rectum into the body, with your hands washed; press one buttock against the other, to prevent the rectum from coming out again.

In some cases the prolapse can be placed in the correct place with your hands and not come out again. However, after a few hours, or days, the prolapse may return, as the weakening of the muscles continues. Thus, it is always important to consult a doctor to assess the need for surgery.

In children, however, it is very common for the prolapse to disappear with growth and, therefore, although the first time it needs to be evaluated by the doctor, the following times the prolapse can only be placed on the site, and it is only important to report what happened to the pediatrician..

What is the best treatment

The only effective solution for rectal prolapse in adults, especially if it is frequent, is surgical treatment for rectal prolapse, which consists of removing part of the rectum and fixing it to the sacrum bone via the perineal or abdominal route. Surgery for rectal prolapse is a simple intervention and the sooner it is done, the sooner damage to the rectum is prevented.

Find out more about how this surgery is done and what other treatment options are available.

What happens if no treatment is done

If the treatment is not done properly or if the doctor informs you that surgery is necessary, but the person chooses not to do it, there is a very high risk of the prolapse increasing over time.

As the prolapse increases in size, the anal sphincter also elongates, leaving it with less strength. When this happens, there is a great risk that the person will develop fecal incontinence, since the sphincter is no longer able to hold the stool.

Who is most at risk of prolapse

Rectal prolapse usually appears in people with weak muscles in the pelvic region, and is therefore more frequent in children or the elderly. However, the risk also increases in people with:

  • Constipation; Malformation of the intestine; Enlarged prostate; Intestinal infections.

These causes can lead to the onset of prolapse mainly due to increased pressure in the abdominal region. Thus, people who need a lot of strength to evacuate are also at increased risk of having a prolapse.

What to do in case of rectal prolapse