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Dental fracture: know what to do


A broken tooth usually causes toothache, infections, changes in chewing and even problems in the jaw, and should therefore always be evaluated by a dentist.

The tooth breaks or becomes cracked after a fall or accident, which usually causes some bleeding in the gums, in which case what should be done is to stop the bleeding, placing a wet gauze in cold water on the site and pressing for a few minutes. This is usually effective and controls bleeding within minutes, but still, the most sensible thing is to go to the dentist to be able to restore the tooth.

What to do in case of broken tooth

After stopping the bleeding, place an ice stone on the affected area or suck a popsicle to avoid swelling of the mouth. In addition, it is important to rinse your mouth with cold water and avoid brushing the bleeding site. It is also not recommended to use mouthwashes as they can aggravate bleeding.

Then, the affected tooth should be evaluated to see if it is cracked or broken:

1. If the tooth is cracked or broken:

It is advisable to make an appointment with the dentist to assess the need for specialized treatment of the tooth. Even if it is a baby tooth, the dentist can advise you to make a restoration because the broken tooth is more difficult to clean and favors the installation of the tooth. caries and plaque.

2. If the tooth has fallen:

  • If it is a baby tooth: If the tooth has really come out completely, there is no need to put another tooth in the place as the loss of a primary tooth does not cause any change in the position of the teeth or difficulties in speech. And at the correct stage the permanent tooth will be born normally. But if the child loses his tooth in an accident, well before the age of 6 or 7, it is important to assess with the dentist whether it is worth using a device to keep the space open for the permanent tooth to be born easily. If it is a permanent tooth: wash the tooth only with warm water and place it in a glass with cold milk or in a container with the child's own saliva, or in the case of an adult leaving it in the mouth is another excellent alternative to leave the viable tooth to be reimplanted, which should happen no later than 1 hour after the accident. Understand when the dental implant is the best option.

How to restore a broken tooth

The treatment to restore the broken tooth will depend on which part of the tooth has broken. When a permanent tooth breaks under the bone line, the tooth is usually extracted and an implant placed in its place. But if the definitive tooth has broken above the bone line, the tooth can be devitalized, reconstructed and worn with a new crown. If the broken tooth affects only the tooth enamel, the tooth can only be reconstructed with composites.

Know what to do if the tooth is crooked, enters the gums or goes limp.

When to go to the dentist

It is recommended to consult the dentist whenever:

  • The tooth is cracked, broken or out of place; Other changes appear in the tooth, such as a dark or soft tooth, up to 7 days after the fall or accident; There is difficulty in chewing or speaking; Signs of infection such as swelling in the mouth, pain fever or fever.

In these cases, the dentist will assess the location of the affected tooth and diagnose the problem, initiating appropriate treatment.

Dental fracture: know what to do