Home Symptoms Hemibalism: meaning and how to treat

Hemibalism: meaning and how to treat


Hemiballism, also known as hemichorea, is a disorder characterized by the occurrence of involuntary and sudden movements of the limbs, of great amplitude, which can also occur in the trunk and head, only on one side of the body.

The most common cause of hemibalism is ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke, also known as stroke, but there are other causes that can lead to its onset.

Generally, treatment consists of resolving the cause of the disorder, and anti-dopaminergic, anticonvulsant or antipsychotic medications can also be administered.

Possible causes

Generally, hemibalism occurs due to lesions in the Luys subtalamic nucleus or in the surrounding regions, which result from sequelae caused by an ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke. However, this disorder can also be caused by:

  • Focal lesions in the structures of the basal ganglia, due to a tumor, vascular malformations, tuberculomas or demyelinating plaques; Systemic lupus erythematosus; Cranial trauma; Infections with influenza virus type A; Hyperglycemia; HIV infections; Wilson's disease; Toxoplasmosis.

In addition, hemibalism can also result from side effects of medications such as levodopa, contraceptives and anticonvulsants.

What symptoms

The symptoms associated with hemiballism are loss of control of movements, occurrence of muscle spasms of great amplitude, rapid, violent and involuntary only on one side of the body and on the opposite side of the injury. In some cases, it can also affect the facial musculature and cause a lack of balance when walking.

When the person moves or performs an action, the involuntary movements become more intense, and may disappear at rest or during sleep.

Because it happens

Hemiballism occurs due to a lesion in the subthalamic nucleus, which reduces the inhibitory impulses of the basal ganglia on the spinal cord, cerebral cortex and brain stem, interfering with movements.

How the treatment is done

The treatment of hemibalism must focus on the cause that is at its origin. In addition, dopamine blockers can also be prescribed, which can reduce up to 90% of involuntary movements.

In some cases, the doctor may also prescribe medications such as sertraline, amitriptyline, valproic acid or benzodiazepines.

Hemibalism: meaning and how to treat