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What is heroin and what are the effects of the drug


Heroin is an illegal drug, also known as diacetylmorphine, made from opium extracted from poppy, which is usually trafficked in the form of brown or white powder. Generally, this drug is used by injection, because it is a way to obtain faster and more intense effects, however some people also smoke or inhale the substance.

Heroin is a substance derived from morphine, but even more fat-soluble, which makes it easy to penetrate the blood brain barrier of the brain, producing a rapid and intense euphoria.

However, despite the euphoria it causes, in addition to other effects that lead some people to use this drug, heroin can cause very serious side effects, addiction, withdrawal syndrome and, in some cases, death.

What are the immediate effects of heroin

Heroin, like other drugs, has desirable and undesirable effects, such as:

Desirable effects

When consumed, heroin is capable of producing effects, such as a feeling of euphoria and well-being, relaxation, escape from reality, relief from pain and anxiety and a feeling of calm and tranquility.

Side effects

The undesirable side effects that can occur with the use of heroin are nausea and vomiting, respiratory depression, decreased blood pressure and pulse, respiratory paralysis or even cardiac arrest.

In addition, depending on the route by which the drug is administered, the following may occur:

  • Injected: inflammation in the veins, infections if the syringe is shared, risk of overdose in consumers who use the drug on time or in drug addicts after a period of weaning; Aspirated: nasal mucosa lesions and infectious diseases if the person shares the inhalation material; Smoked: lesions in the bronchi and lungs.

In addition, a few hours after taking the drug, the person feels the need to consume heroin again, to avoid withdrawal syndrome. This syndrome is popularly known as a hangover, in which symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, sweating, chills, muscle spasms, body aches, difficulty sleeping, anxiety, tearing and a runny nose appear, which can cause a lot of discomfort, leading to the person to consume again, to feel better.

What are the effects of continued consumption

If consumed daily, heroin can cause serious adverse effects, such as lethargy, depression, sexual dysfunction, physical and social degradation, skin disorders, tolerance and physical and psychological dependence.

Heroin addiction can start after a few weeks, if it is consumed regularly. Find out what the treatment is to stop using drugs.

What is heroin and what are the effects of the drug