Home Symptoms Herpes zoster

Herpes zoster


Herpes zoster, popularly known as Cobreiro or Zona, is an infectious disease caused by the same chicken pox virus, which can reoccur during adulthood causing red blisters on the skin, which appear mainly in the chest or belly region, although also may arise affecting the eyes or ears.

This disease affects only people who have already had chickenpox, being more common to appear after the age of 60, and its treatment is done with anti-viral medications, such as Acyclovir, and analgesics, prescribed by the doctor, to relieve pain and heal faster. skin wounds.

Symptoms of Herpes Zoster

The characteristic symptoms of herpes zoster are usually:

  • Blisters and redness that affect only one side of the body, as they follow the location of some nerve in the body, running along its length and forming a path of blisters and sores in the chest, back or belly; Itching in the affected area; Pain, tingling or burning in the affected region; Low fever, between 37 and 38ÂșC.

The diagnosis of herpes zoster is usually based on the clinical evaluation of the patient's signs and symptoms, and the observation of skin lesions by the doctor. Other diseases that have symptoms similar to those of herpes zoster are impetigo, contact dermatitis, herpetiform dermatitis and also with herpes simplex itself, and for this reason the diagnosis must always be made by the doctor.

Photos of herpes zoster

Is herpes zoster contagious?

Herpes zoster is a contagious disease for people who have never had chicken pox or who have not been vaccinated, since they are diseases caused by the same virus. Thus, children or other people who have never had chicken pox should stay away from people with shingles and not have contact with their clothes, bedding and towels, for example.

People who have had chicken pox when they are in contact with a person with herpes zoster are protected and usually do not develop the disease. Understand more about the contagion of Herpes Zoster.

Can herpes zoster come back?

Herpes zoster can reappear at any time, in people who have had chickenpox or herpes zoster itself at some time in their lives, because the virus remains 'latent', that is, inactive in the body for many years. Thus, when there is a drop in immunity, the virus can replicate again causing herpes zoster. Strengthening the immune system can be a good prevention strategy.

Treatment to cure herpes zoster

The treatment for herpes zoster is done by taking anti-viral remedies such as Acyclovir, Fanciclovir or Valacyclovir to decrease the multiplication of the virus, thus decreasing the blisters, the duration and intensity of the disease. Analgesics may also be needed to relieve pain caused by blisters. The doctor may prescribe:

  • Aciclovir 800 mg: 5 times a day for 7 to 10 daysFanciclovir 500 mg: 3 times a day for 7 daysValacyclovir 1000 mg: 3 times a day for 7 days

However, the choice of the medication and its form of use may be different, making this prescription a medical criterion.

Home treatment for herpes zoster

A good home treatment to complement the treatment indicated by the doctor is to strengthen the immune system by taking echinacea tea and consuming foods rich in lysine, such as fish daily. See more tips from the nutritionist:

During treatment, care should also be taken as:

  • Wash the affected area daily with lukewarm water and mild soap without rubbing, drying well to avoid the development of bacteria on the skin; Wear comfortable, light and cotton clothing to allow the skin to breathe; Place a cold chamomile compress over the region affected to relieve itching; Do not apply ointments or creams on the blisters, preventing the skin from becoming irritated.

It is important to remember that to be most effective, treatment must begin within 72 hours of the appearance of blisters on the skin.

Check out some home remedy options for Herpes Zoster.

Possible complications

The most common complication of herpes zoster is post-herpetic neuralgia, which is the continuation of pain for several weeks or months after the blisters disappear. This complication is more frequent in people over 60 years of age, and is characterized by more intense pain than in the period when the wounds are active, leaving the person unable to continue their normal activities.

Another less common complication occurs when the virus reaches the eye, causing inflammation in the cornea and vision problems, needing to be accompanied by an ophthalmologist.

Other rarer problems that herpes zoster can cause, depending on the affected site, are pneumonia, hearing problems, blindness or inflammation in the brain, for example. Only in rare cases, usually in very elderly people, over 80 years old, and with a very weakened immune system, in case of AIDS, leukemia or cancer treatment, this disease can lead to death.

Herpes Zoster Vaccine

The shingles vaccine is the only efficient way to prevent this disease and its complications. The vaccine is recommended for adults over 60 years, but it is not offered by SUS and its price is around 400 reais.

The ideal is that this vaccine is recommended by the doctor, as it is not indicated for pregnant women and people who take corticosteroids or who already have a weakened immune system.

Who is most at risk?

Herpes zoster only appears in people who have had chicken pox at some time in their life. This is because the chicken pox virus can stay lodged in the body's nerves for life, and in some period of immunity drop, it can reactivate in the most localized form of the nerve.

The people most at risk for developing shingles are those with:

  • Over 60 years; Diseases that weaken the immune system, such as AIDS or Lupus; Chemotherapy treatment; Prolonged use of corticosteroids.

However, shingles can also appear in adults who are over-stressed or are recovering from a disease, such as strong flu or dengue, as the immune system is weaker.

Herpes zoster