Home Symptoms Hydrocolontherapy: what it is, how it is made and what it is for

Hydrocolontherapy: what it is, how it is made and what it is for


Hydrocolontherapy is a procedure for cleaning the large intestine in which warm, filtered and purified water is inserted through the anus, allowing the accumulated feces and intestine toxins to be eliminated.

Therefore, this type of natural treatment is often used to combat constipation and symptoms of belly swelling, however, it is also often indicated in preparation for surgery or to relieve the symptoms of infectious, inflammatory, rheumatic diseases, muscle and joint, for example.

This procedure is different from the enema, since the enema usually only eliminates the feces from the initial portion of the intestine, while hydrocolonotherapy makes a complete intestinal cleaning. See how you can do an enema at home.

How much

The price of hydrocolontherapy is about R $ 180 per session. However, about 4 to 6 sessions may be necessary for complete cleaning, so the average price varies between R $ 720 to R $ 1080.

Hydrocolonotherapy step-by-step

Hydrocolonotherapy is done with a special device that must be operated by a health professional. During the procedure, the following steps are followed:

  1. Placement of a water-based lubricant in the anus and equipment; Insertion of a thin tube in the anus to pass the water; Interruption of water flow when the person feels discomfort in the belly or increased pressure; Performing an abdominal massage to facilitate stool exit; Removal of feces and toxins through another tube connected to the water tube; Opening a new flow of water into the intestine.

This process usually lasts for about 20 minutes, during which time the last two steps are repeated until the water drawn out is clean and free of feces, meaning that the intestine is also clean.

Where to do it

Hydrocolontherapy can be done in hospitals, clinics or SPA's, but in any case it is very important to seek a gastroenterologist before doing hydrocolontherapy to assess whether this type of procedure is safe for each situation.

Who should not do

Hydrocolontherapy is widely used to decrease the symptoms of some gastrointestinal problems, such as irritable bowel, constipation or abdominal swelling. However, this treatment should not be used if the person has:

  • Crohn's disease; Uncontrolled high blood pressure; Hemorrhoids; Severe anemia; Abdominal hernias; Kidney failure; Liver diseases. Intestinal bleeding.

In addition, hydrocolontherapy should also not be done during pregnancy, especially if there is no knowledge of the obstetrician.

Hydrocolontherapy: what it is, how it is made and what it is for