Home Symptoms Hypochlorhydria: what it is, symptoms, causes and how to treat

Hypochlorhydria: what it is, symptoms, causes and how to treat


Hypochlorhydria is a situation characterized by a decrease in the production of hydrochloric acid (HCl) in the stomach, which causes the stomach pH to become higher and leads to the appearance of some symptoms such as nausea, bloating, belching, abdominal discomfort and nutritional deficiencies.

Hypochlorhydria often happens as a consequence of chronic gastritis, being more frequent in people over 65, who frequently use antacids or reflux drugs, who have recently undergone stomach surgery or who have infection with the bacterium Helicobacter pylori , popularly known as H. pylori .

Symptoms of Hypochlorhydria

The symptoms of hypochlorhydria arise when the pH of the stomach is higher than normal due to the lack of ideal amounts of HCl, which leads to the appearance of some signs and symptoms, the main ones being:

  • Abdominal discomfort; Belching; Bloating; Nausea; Diarrhea; Poor digestion; Excessive tiredness; Presence of undigested food in the stool; Increased gas production.

Hydrochloric acid is important for the food digestion process and, in the case of hypochlorhydria, as there is not enough acid, digestion is compromised. In addition, HCl is important in the process of absorbing some nutrients in the stomach, as well as in fighting some pathogenic microorganisms. Thus, it is important that hydrochloric acid is produced in ideal quantities, avoiding complications.

Main causes

The causes of hypochlorhydria are diverse, being more frequent as a consequence of chronic gastritis, especially when the presence of the bacteria H. pylori is verified, which results in a decrease in the amount of acid present in the stomach and increases the risk of the appearance of stomach ulcers, increasing the severity of symptoms.

In addition to happening due to gastritis and infection by H. pylori , hypochlorhydria can also happen due to excessive stress and as a result of age, being more common to be seen in people over 65 years. It is also possible due to the nutritional deficiency of zinc, since zinc is necessary for the production of hydrochloric acid.

The use of gastric protective medications throughout life, even if recommended by the doctor, can lead to hypochlorhydria, as well as stomach surgeries, such as gastric bypass surgery, in which changes are made in the stomach and intestine, too can lead to a decrease in stomach acid. Understand what gastric bypass is and how it is done.

How is the diagnosis

The diagnosis of hypochlorhydria must be made by the general practitioner or gastroenterologist based on the assessment of the signs and symptoms presented by the person, as well as their clinical history. In addition, to complete the diagnosis, it is necessary to perform some tests, mainly the test that allows the measurement of the pH of the stomach. Normally, the pH of the stomach is up to 3, however in hypochlorhydria the pH is between 3 and 5, while in achlorhydria, which is characterized by the absence of acid production in the stomach, the pH is above 5.

The tests indicated by the doctor are also important to identify the cause of hypochlorhydria, as it is possible that the treatment is more targeted. Therefore, blood tests should be ordered to check mainly the amount of iron and zinc in the blood, in addition to performing a urease test to identify the H. pylori bacteria. Understand how the urease test is done.

Hypochlorhydria treatment

The treatment is recommended by the doctor according to the cause of hypochlorhydria, and the use of antibiotics may be indicated, in case it is caused by H. pylori , or the use of HCl supplements together with the enzyme pepsin, as this way it is possible to increase stomach acidity.

In addition, it is important that the person tries to relax, since chronic stress can also lead to a decrease in stomach acidity, and have a healthy and balanced diet. In the event that hypochlorhydria is due to zinc deficiency, the use of zinc supplement may also be recommended so that acid production in the stomach is possible. If the person is using gastric protectors, for example, the doctor may recommend suspending the medication until the acid production in the stomach is regulated.

Hypochlorhydria: what it is, symptoms, causes and how to treat