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Hysterosonography exam: indications and how it is done


Hysterosonography is an ultrasound exam that lasts an average of 30 minutes in which a small catheter is inserted through the vagina into the uterus to be injected with a physiological solution that will make it easier for the doctor to visualize the uterus and identify possible lesions, such as fibroids., endometriosis or polyps, for example, it is also possible to observe whether the uterine tubes are blocked or not, which can happen in cases of infertility.

3D hysterosonography is performed in the same way, however, the images obtained are in 3D, allowing the doctor to have a more real view of the uterus and possible injuries.

This examination is carried out by the doctor, in hospitals, imaging clinics or gynecological offices, with the appropriate medical indication, which can be done by SUS, some health plans or in private, with a price ranging between 80 and 200 reais, depending on the place where it was made.

How is done

The hysterosonography exam is done with the woman in a gynecological position, similar to the Pap smear collection and according to the following steps:

  • Insertion of a sterile speculum in the vagina; Cleaning of the cervix with an antiseptic solution; Introduction of a catheter to the bottom of the uterus, as shown in the image; Injection of sterile saline solution; Removal of the speculum; Insertion of the ultrasound device, the transducer, in the vagina that emits the image of the uterus on the monitor, as shown in the image.

In addition, In women with a dilated or incompetent cervix, the balloon catheter can also be used to prevent the saline solution from receding into the vagina. After performing this exam, the gynecologist will be able to indicate the best form of treatment to combat the uterus injury identified in the exam.

Hysterosalpingography, on the other hand, is an examination that, in addition to the uterus, can better observe the tubes and the ovaries, and is done with the injection of a contrast through the orifice of the uterine cervix, and then several X-rays are performed in order to to observe the path that this liquid takes inside the uterus, towards the uterine tubes, being very indicated for researching fertility problems. Learn more about what it is for and how hysterosalpingography is performed.

Does hysterosonography hurt?

Hysterosonography can hurt, and can also cause discomfort and cramps at the time of the exam.

However, this test is well tolerated and the doctor may recommend an analgesic or anti-inflammatory medication before and after the test.

It is also possible that after hysterosonography there is irritation of the vagina in people with more sensitive mucous membranes, which can progress to infection and increased menstrual bleeding.

What is it for

Hysterosonography indications include:

  • Suspected or identified lesions in the uterus, mainly fibroids that are small benign tumors that develop gradually and can cause major bleeding and consequently anemia; Differentiation of uterine polyps; Investigation of abnormal uterine bleeding; Evaluation of women with unexplained infertility; Repeated abortions.

This exam is indicated only for women who have already had intimate contacts and the ideal period to perform the exam is in the first half of the menstrual cycle, when you are no longer menstruating.

However, hysterosonography is contraindicated in pregnancy or in case of suspected pregnancy and in the presence of vaginal infections.

Hysterosonography exam: indications and how it is done